Sunday, May 01, 2011

Never Stop Exploring - TNF Trail Run #4 Preview

We are down to Run #4.  This is where we left off from the last run. This run got everything. There are mud, obstacles, gorgeous view, slopes and more slopes and terrains - you name it, it is there - from nice carpet type grass, to clay, to broken tarmac, to logs, to lallang, to  road. And very little 'civilization'. Only the occasional hard core cyclists.

Plenty of logs obstacle
Gorgeous view
Running along the horizon
Going into the valley of ????
Into the heart of the jungle!
Run distance will be 15km. As the routes are in non-car accessible areas, there are no toilets and no water points. If you need to answer the call of nature, do it in the bush. And bring water. Plenty. The return leg is going to be hot. Unless it rains in which case prepare for some mud sliding fun.

We rate this run an 8. There are not so many steep slopes but the varied terrains and the distance makes this a tough run. Not for those with little running experience.

For those who are interested, unfortunately the run slots are all filled up but checked out the TNF Facebook page and put yourself on the reserve list. You never know you may get lucky!

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