Monday, April 16, 2012

Project Tummy 3rd Month

Time is almost up with 1 more week to go before I conclude my Project Tummy and so far all the signs are pointing to a new fat failure!

The weight has been fluctuating between 76 - 77 kg. It did went down to 75.5kg a few times but 2 weeks of slacking and not following the routine plus some nice food means it crept back up to 76kg this week. The waistline? I don't even want to measure it. 

Any with an upcoming trip to Bali this week, I think it is a foregone conclusion that 75kg is not achievable. At least not within the target 3 months.

I also went to do a health check. Cholesterol level is good. Can continue to eat my pig trotters. Glucose level is a little bit over the threshold. Need to cut back on desserts. Does chocolate affect glucose level? The   thyroid function test indicate sign of hypothyroidism. Need a further test to confirm this. But more worrying, the ECG test indicates some abnormality. For someone who runs, this is bad. Have fixed up an appointment with a cardiologist to do another test. Hopefully, it is nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Mine failed miserably too. Haha. From 75kg to 74kg to now 77.1kg and fat% of 19.6. I'm so screwed right now...
