Friday, February 29, 2008

Esplanade/Marina Promenade Run Route

Have not ran along the Esplanade and Marina Promenade for a long time. Have heard about the ongoing construction there and the blockages along the way.

Nevertheless, at last night RL run, decided to run there since most of the runners were getting a bit sick of Fort Canning and beside there were a few newcomers and we didn't want them to get lost.

True enough, from after the Esplanade, the way is blocked by the floating platform (don't understand why they can't let people run through between the platform and the stands). Have to go out to Raffles Ave and there are ongoing roadworks forcing us to run on the road. Further down Republic Ave, whilst the construction for the Singapore Flyer is now completed, there is massive works going on for the FI pits and so most part of the Promenade are closed until the entrance to the Ducktour. Another 400metres later is another construction work (which seems to be going on forever!) and so back on to the road before turning back to the canoe centre. After crossing the bridge to Kallang Riverside Park, after the toilet, the view of the sea is blocked - by more construction hoardings!

Not a very nice route to run anymore what with the fumes from the vehicles on the road and the various obstacles to avoid.

One very good thing about running there though is that there are many toilets along the way. The toilet at the Kallang end even has shower facilities. Drinks are readily available from the various vendors along the Esplanade. It is easily accessible by MRT (City Hall) and buses alighting at either Raffles Ave or Shenton Way.There are still some nice scenery though - the Merlion, the City skyline, the majestic Fullerton Hotel and the memorials at the Esplanade Prk

Monday, February 25, 2008

Excuse to Slack

Just realised although I been slacking on the running, I have not let up on my weights. No wonder my body aches everyday!

So this week shall be dedicated no weights week. 1 whole week where I don't lift weight, pull cable, blah blah blah!

Actually just an excuse to slack more since there is no race to train for in the coming months at least until end April.

End April will be the annual JPMorgan Chase. Like everything else, the registration fee has gone up to $45.00. Lucky thing the company is picking up the tab otherwise I can't be bothered to participate. This year response not too bad - so far got 10 participates already. Hopefully can get another 2 to make it 3 teams.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


M read the interview with Jessica Tan, our MP, in the Mind Your Body today. Jessica just did the Hongkong Marathon and finished in a very good time of 4hrs 49min so M is now inspired enough to announce that yes - she don't mind trying to do a full! M has ran with Jessica twice already and is definitely much faster than her so I guess she is thinking if Jessica can do it, so can she. Way to go!

The problem is in the interview, Jessica was quoted as saying that she only train up to 12km once a week so M don't think she need to do all those long distance runs that is typically required before attempting the full.

Finally, if she really sign up for the full, than I will have good excuse to break my own promise not to do the full anymore. Is that good or bad?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Somebody commented recently on one of my earlier post on his MBT and how it doesn't last. Consoled him that 18 months for a pair of shoes is good enough and secretly thanking my lucky star that mine was still going strong after 15 months of wear.

1 week later discovered a tear on the seam of my MBT. Is that suay or what?

Went back to the shop and was told repair (they called it resoling) has been temporarily suspended. In any case, it will cost $170 cos they need to send it to Australis for the repair! I almost faint when I heard that. $170 for repair! I might as well buy a new pair but then hor a new pair cost $380.00.

Sigh..Worn a normal leather shoe to work yesterday but after more than a year in the MBT couldn't get use to the lack of comfort and support in the shoe. Went home bought a tube of glue - viola - hopefully the self repair will last me another 6 months.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Survey for a Mass Event

Things look very interesting, very interesting.

I have been asked to look into the possibility of organizing a mass event. My mind went wild – another marathon maybe? Alas, budget is limited and first time doing so have to keep it small and simple. May be another 10k run – too many already? A triathlon? Nay - I think too ex. May be a bike/run or a swim/run? Or a mass walk to replace TNP Big Walk?

Anybody interested in contributing some feedback?

Download the survey form here and email to me at

Anybody else who can lend their expertise (event organiser, potential sponsors) welcome to email me too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Live Longer?

There is this small debate going on in the sgrunners forum on how fit people live longer. I think that is a very foregone conclusion and common sense knowledge. You don't need to spend megabucks just for some scientist to tell us the obvious. A person who is fit is naturally able to reduce incidence of falling ill (better immunity, less visit to doctors, hospital where can catch all sort of germs etc).

On the other hand, I also believe life and death are predestined and if someone up there comes calling, its time to go - no matter how fit you are. That is why we have seemingly super fit runners dropping in the middle of a run. Some call it God's will, some karma, some fate; whatever it is there no escape from death.

Con incidentally, the Dept of Stats has just released their latest survey result and it shows that Singaporean men are likely to live longer up to 75 years whereas our women can live even longer up to 82 years. Is that great news or what? The gahmen has also announced details of the new CPF scheme to help those who are living longer to have money to spend. (Er - have anybody noticed somehow the data from the DOS and CPF don't match up - but that is another story for another day).

So what gives? I think at the end of the day, it is not about how long you live but more about the quality of life. I would rather drop dead in the middle of a run than spend months lying in a hospital suffering from some incurable disease.

So for those who asked this crazy uncle why he spends so much time running - the whole purpose of this huffing and puffing away, whether at the gym or running in the park is not for the objective of living longer but simply living better.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Felt quite pleased with myself that despite the CNY, I managed to squeeze in my regular amount of exercises over the week..that is until I read the blogs of my running acquaintances and discovered that for a fair number of them, to all intent the holidays are merely more days for them to train without the restraint of work commitments.

While I salute these people for their passion, vigor and drive...I think we need a break - for our family and friends, to spend time with them, catch up with friends etc and if got no family, no friends (can't be right?) take this opportunity to rest the body.

So friends.. relax and enjoy the holidays... there's always more opportunity to train, be it a run, swim or bike.

Happy New Year everybody!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Burning Calories

Was at the gym and after 30 mins of sweating it out on the bike, saw that calories burned was just 257.

Remembered that in the morning, on Class 95, Morning Express, Carol was telling Glenn Ong that a minute of kissing burns up to 250 calorie.

Hmm.. went to check it up:

1. The calories burned depend on the intensity, but you can rely on 10 calories for every 10 minutes.

2. Kissing burns 12 calories per five-second episode and three passionate kisses a day will help you lose one pound! -

3. Kissing for 15 minutes burns approximately 30 calories -

So the numbers don't add up but what the heck, all agreed on one thing - kissing burns calories.

So gals and guys, throw away the running shoes and bike and plucker away. You get less injuries there .. or so I hope!
