Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saucony Kinvara 3

I really like my Kinvara. So much so that I am now into Kinvara 3. Wait a minute, I heard the Kinvara 5 is already out and I am 2 generation behind! So maybe I am not such a big fan of the Kinvara after all. But of course the reason why I am so behind is that I am the typical "kiamseap" guy and I will only pay less than $100.00 for a pair of shoes which means I have got to wait until the new season shoes are out and the last season shoes are on clearance. Like this pair of blue/white Kinvara 3.

Here it is compared to the Kinvara 2. Design wise it hasn't change much except for more colors and more aggressive looking lines and curves.

Performance wise I don't feel any great difference from the Kinvara 2 which is great. There are some improvements made to the materials. No time for the mumbo jumbo but they can be found here.

Anyway I like it so much that when I passed by the Royal Sporting House at Suntec and discovered it was on sale, I promptly bought another pair of the Kinvara 3, in a different colour of course!

Date of Purchase: 13 July 2013

From: Running Lab

Price: $109.00 after $50 trade in


Tokyo Marathon 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Never Stop Exploring - Gunung Nuang Hike

This could be called the best way to torture you knees or the slowest 20 km ever or the longest climb or the why nobody tell me it was so tough hike but for simplicity I think I just called it the Gunung Nuang hike.

It all started when I decided that there are no more trails left in Singapore to explore or at least none that I know of and having read about Gunung Nuang on blogs, and since it was near enough to pop over for the weekend, I roped together a few friends and away we went for what I thought was a easy fun time.

We managed to hook up with a few Malaysian's friends who took really good care of us. We arrived real early at the base of Gunung Nuang at about 6.50 am. After the obligatory group photo and a safety pep talk by Tony Quay, our "official guide", we set off with a few Malaysian friends leading the way.

Gunung Nuang is the highest mountain in Selangor. By all account, it is also the most popular hiking spot there so I seriously wasn't expecting the trail to be that difficult to navigate. Maybe a lot of ascent since it is after all 1493m high but not something that the lot of us couldn't handle.

The first part of the trail was what Tony describe as a dragon back going up and down. The interesting thing is that all of us swear that we only noticed the up and not the down. This part of the trail is rather wide and easy to walk with generally good surface not unlike our MacRitchie Reservoir except that there are many big pieces of rocks. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Boi Boi Ger Ger Run 2014 Prequel

Following my post on Stop Running Part 1, a few of us were talking and we decided to put our money where our mouth is and put words into actions so we now have the Boi Boi Ger Ger Run 2 to be held on 25 January at the Botanic Garden. The first Boi Boi Ger Ger Run was in 2006 at the MacRitchie Reservoir.

Let me assured everybody  that this is conceived primarily as a fun event and not so much as a match making effort. The main emphasis is on fun and getting to know other runners better. All too often, during group runs, we run with our own cliques and talk among ourselves and there is little opportunity to interact which is why we have decided to abandon the format of the 1st Boi Boi Ger Ger Run where the 2 groups of runners starts from different direction and meet up in the centre and continue running.                                                                   
This time round, we have decided on a free form "Amazing Race" format where 2 participants of opposite sex are paired up and has to go to 5 checkpoints as well as answer correctly 5 questions about their team mate. Sound simple enough? But unfortunately, the feedback has been that this is a bit intimating and so I guess we will have to tweak the format a bit to get a better response.

Anyway,  for those who are interested to know more details about this fun event, head on over to the Event page on Facebook [click here] for more details and if you are interested to participate, whether alone or with a friend, click on the google doc here to sign up.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Men in White Tights

To date my earlier post on Men in Tights have garnered the most eyeballs and is the most read article of all my blog post. I don't really know what is so fascinating about men in tights cause most of those who stumbled on my post were actually googling online on this subject. Personally I think men in tights are .. umph not very pleasant looking although I do admit I also wear tights for longer races. And what is worse than men in tights? Men in white tights lor!.

Anyway, I promised on my FB that I will put out some photos of men in white tights to prove my point.   But first an advisory: If yout think that the Abercrombie and Fitch ad in Orchard Road was indecent, then you should not continue reading. But if really die die must see.. then don't say I didn't warn you......

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Stop Running! Part 1 - Get a Life!

There I got your attention. Didn't I?

But before I go on. Please note the following:

1. I am going to give unsolicited advice. If you do not like unsolicited advice - please do not continue reading.
2. I may offend certain people. In particular, those who are single. If you are easily offended and single, please do not continue reading.
3. If you are the type who takes blog posting so seriously and think it is mainstream news and influential enough to make changes to your life, you can continue reading just remember points 1 & 2 above. But if you think blog postings and in particular this blogger's posts are crap and good for a laugh, by all means continue reading. But remember points 1 & 2 above.
4. If you consider yourself a serious runner and think that this old man who can't even run faster than your grandmother is a big fake and quake, you will most likely be insulted or offended by what I am going to write, so please do not continue reading.

You have been warned! Although me think the caveat above is not going to stop anybody from reading and getting offended but me being me and a big kaypoh, I don't care. Actually I love the attention and the increase in readership!

Ok now to the main story.
