Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Meeting with f 500

Met up with f500 otherwise known as Walter at Running Lab last evening to discuss his Thursday evening run. Ironmandreamer aka Ben also turned up.

Walter is the GM of Running Lab. He's also into adventure racing. He also co-owner of Wallet Shop and Outdoor Traveller.

Walter haven't got any thing fixed up yet. Basically he's looking for a few fellas to lead runners for casual run. He got 1 staff, a Safra runner and needs a few more. Routes shld be mainly to Marina Promenade, Marina South and Fort Canning.

We discussed which day is best - he wants Friday but Ben thinks Fri is no good and suggest Tue to Thu. I agreed. Fri - people want to go clubbing, movies etc and will not be in the mood to run.

No conclusions in the end. Got to wait and see.

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