Saturday, December 03, 2005


I can't believe I let such a good photo taking opportunity passed away. There I was at 5 pm at East Coast Park waiting for Alicia to finish her blading lesson when who should walk by - but the whole gang of international runners for the marathon. They seem to be out for a recce. I just stared at them open--mouthed and forgot that my current phone is a camera phone and I could have taken their pics even video and maybe even take a photo with any of the Kenyas. What a dork!

Tomorrow is the big day. Will I be ready? The shin is still giving some problems but seem okay. Have not been running since last Sunday run at Bedok Res. Tuesday, did some water running and Thursday did 30 mins on the e-trainer.

Anyway, just finished running through my last year results and I did average of 7.30 min per km and 8 km per hour. My walking point started at around the 30 km point outside the chalet. At that time, I was just slightly over 3 hours. This time round I shall not make the mistake of sitting down to rest or stretch. Hopefully, the weather will be fine and I can better last year lousy timing.

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