Sunday, June 04, 2006


Not working yeserday so decided to go for a short run at Sentosa with M.

Wanted to do the run for 3 reasons:
1. To see whether the knee is fully recovered
2. To try out the Nathan fuel belt got last month
3. To familiarise M with the 10k RR route

1st objective - the knee seems okay. No pain, no discomfort. Maybe will cancel the appointment on Monday. Objective met.

2nd objective - the fuel belt - quite comfortable although with 4 fully filled bottles seems to add up to a lot of lot. But no bounce and after some time didn't notice it. Next to try it out on a longer route.

3rd objective - Started at the covered car park at Palawan beach. On the way up to the Satelite, M tripped over a concrete drain cover and had a tumble. That effectively ended the run. Now she got her first running trophy - 2 in fact... 2 big ugly bruises on her right arm. Plucky girl though, she managed to run back to the start point another 2 km away. Total distance covered - 6km. Mission aborted.

Palawan Beach

The revamped at Palawan beach is nearly completed. The place is now first class esp the toilet. Got a food court, 7-11, 3 restaurants and a absolutely fabulous toilet. There are uncountaable showers - open air, closed with all sorts of shower heads. Fantastic. Go check it out!

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