Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Went CGH for a MRI on my knee this morning. Heard a lot about the process but nobody seems to be able to say more except that it involves going into a dark coffin like chamber with weird sounds coming from all over. Kind of like being buried underground and hearing the thud of the hammer and people talking above. Naturally I was feeling a bit uneasy. Also all the other people I knew who went for MRI are all for cancer or stroke related problems.

It didn't help that I had to strip down to my underwear and wear the hospital gown. Alamak, I doing my knees so why need to change? I had purposely wore a running short but no dice - change I must. After a short wait, I was called to the room.

There is this big machine - sort of like a giant pipe. The radiographer or whatever he's called arranged the 'props' and asked me to lie down and not move. The whole thing was going to take about 15 minutes since it was only a partial scan and not the full 1 hour as per the brochure. He fired up the machine and it moves in. There I going into darkness! But the machine stopped at my waist level. Turn out since I doing only the leg, I don't have to go in all the way. Yipee. Then all the funny sounds started. Whirring, thumping and cranking. The music playing on the earphone they provided didn't help and it was in Filipino! After 5 minutes, I started to feel sleepy. I can sleep anywhere:) but before I can settle into a comfortable sleep, it was over and I am $352.00 poorer. Lucky got blood transfustion discount.

Now got to wait until next Monday to see what the good Doc got to say about my knee

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