Monday, September 24, 2007

Nike Jet Stream

I am not a Nike shoe fan but surprisingly, my longest serving shoes is a Nike. It is in fact my 2nd pair of running shoes that I bought around 2003? The first was an Adidas (don't even know which model) and this was the 2nd. Those days know nuts about running and bought whatever shoes that 1) must be nice to look at (my Adidas) and 2) the sales people recommends.

The Nike Jet Stream was recommended by a sweet young thing at the Sportslink outlet at Eastpoint. Asked her why I should buy it when she recommended it and her answer? "Because I also wear it". So I figure if it's good enough for her, its good enough for me. Remembered this clearly becos I actually bought a too small size the first time round. After buying it, went and ran on the treadmill and found it too tight. Brought it back and changed it for a half size bigger. Actually, later found out it was still too small but didn't realised back it those days.

After finding it was still too tight (toes started turning black), relegated it to gym use and that's why it has last for so long. It's still look in pretty good condition and I hate to give it up but I have to make way for new shoes and so I guess it will have to go.

Can't really comment much on the performance as I can't remember how it feels like when wore for a run. But it must be quite comfortable for me to stick with it for so long or is it I just a 'kiamseap' old man who just can bear to dump it?

Goodbye old friend - My one and only Nike:)

1 comment:

  1. very nice, i've been jubilated my jet stream after one thousand of hard kms, very good shoes, lights, cushioned, etc, etc.. and now i'm ready to use my news nb 901, hope this will be a great shoe too..

