Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last Long Run - ECP - Changi - ECP

Finally, after 2 unsuccessful attempts to do my 35km long run (both got canned by the rain), managed to complete it today.

Left the house at 5.30 am this morning but barely 20 minutes, lighting and thunders started flashing all over. Then the rain came but fortunately, it didn't poured and managed to carry on.

Ran till the lagoon at East Coast Park and uturn to Changi Beach until the toilet with the kiosk. Stopped to get a drink before turning back to carpark F2 at East Coast. Miscalculated the route distance and ran 38km instead of just 35km, the original target!
Along the way, bump into Gary; Ronnie and Bee and also chatted with 2 strangers running the same way. Also met Cosmic and finally at the end of the run, saw Tigger with his whole gang of disciples.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. 38k long run three weeks before marathon is good. Plenty of time for recovery and for the training effect to benefit you on race day. Make sure you re-fuel and rehydrate in the subsequent days.

    Sling Runner

