Monday, January 12, 2009

Gym Rat 2

Saw this guy in the gym running on the treadmill. Nothing very usual except he was wearing a long sleeze sweat shirt and had the hood up as well. Does he imagine he is in some western country? Or is he trying to loose weight? Or is the gym air con going at full blast?

This is just one of the many interesting sights in the gym.

Then there is the preener. You know, the type who do 1 set and then preen at himself in the mirror to see how much of his muscle had grow. Very interesting. Rep, pose, look, rep, pose, look. I sure if the mirror can talk, he will go "mirror mirror on the wall... who is the beefiest of them al?"

The preener I find amusing. What I can't stand is the grunter. This guy grunt with every lift and movement. In a big gym, the noise from the music will probably drown out his grunts but in a small gym it is so bladdy irritating that sometime I feel like shoving the weight into his mouth!

And then we have the hoarder. The type who will take all the weights and place it around himself nevermind that he only has 2 hands and can't possibly use 6 sets of weights at one go. And this jerk usually don't return the weights after use.

And of course there is the banger. This are usually the newbies and they seem to delight in letting the machine weights slam down. It is like the louder the more better. Sigh what I would love to see is the weight banging down on their hands.

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