Monday, December 07, 2009

SCSM 2009

It was a cool, cloudy breezy morning. As I sat there, perched on a railing on Esplanade Bridge watching the initial runners come in, there was a small twinge of regret that I was not out there running in such nice weather. But then the human jam came and mayhem broke out not just for the runners especially the poor FM runners but even for us supporters as we tried valiantly to look out for known faces. It was frustrating trying to spot familiar faces and I can imagine even more so for the weary runners trying to weave in and out especially as they attempt to breach that last 200metres and hopefully get a PB or achieve the target.

So I was reminded again of why I choose to sit this out (aside from my laziness to train) and was contended enough to just soak in the atmosphere and take some pictures.

M who had originally also decided to sit this out with her loving hubby (ahem) was roped in as a last minute replacement for a friend who gave up on the HM. So poor loving hubby had to wake up early after all and go down early (original plan was to reach the padang at 7am). Found myself a good spot to watch the runners steaming in and sat there for 5 hours holding in the pee. Actually was quite tempted to just let go on some of the walkers below me ha ha but that would means I will end up having free lunch and possibly dinner so no choice but to tahan until most of friends have passed (if I could spot them in the first place).

Anyway, to all those who completed the race, whether it is 10k, HM or FM, whether you plod or run, your heart will thank you for it. Not too sure what your legs will said though but well done. Get a nice rest and see you next race.

Photos will be up by Wednesday (hopefully). Check back here.


  1. Tekko,

    Not sure if it was your pointers or ...ahmen...myself. Surprisingly, I ran my FM much better this year (though I am aching from head to toes now and nursing some awful blisters and black toe nails). Whatever it is, thanks for the pointers once again.

    Really enjoy reading your 'running' blog. Keep on blogging! ;)


  2. hope my face wasn't too shag!!
    yeah! i agree with u.. it was very frustrating.. was cussing towards the end, till i saw u!!! =p

  3. Hi Jenn, well done. continue running and maybe one day we bum into each other.
    Jason, in fact you looked very fresh. Will post the photo tmr on Facebook first. Let me know if you want the higher res and I will email to you

  4. Hi Tekko,

    K20Z (shouyi) here. It was a pleasant surprise to see you on the side of Esplanade bridge at the final km of my Half Marathon.

  5. thx chris!! =) waiting for the pics!

