Monday, May 24, 2010

Kids Run the City

Had an enjoyable time at the Cold Storage Kids Run. My kids are already teens so why am I there and earlier than most people? Cos the company is one of the sponsor and me is the guy in charge. The fall guy if things go wrong. But fortunately, everything went perfectly.

Every year we have an unique gift and this year was no different.

Tadah! A fuel belt lookalike. It was so popular that we ran out fast and some kids cried when they couldn't get it and one bladdy foreigner even banished money in front of my colleague and demanded that she be given one even though she had already collected 2 earlier on.

But what I enjoyed more was watching the kids run. It is a real joy seeing their energy and the way they ran.

And if my hearing didn't served me wrong, the top kids finished the 1.4km in just over 5 mins.

And then we also sponsored some children from the Spastic Children Association of Singapore. Boy, these kids despite their handicap are so determined that it left me humbled.

And the best part of the Cold Storage Kids Run is that unlike the races for us adults, this one really had a wonderful carnival atmosphere. The color, the sounds and the buzz. It's just terrific.

More pictures here

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