Thursday, December 15, 2011

Changi Simei Run

Got an invitation to join friends from the old neighbourhood for a run. Since moving out of Simei last year September have not gone back to that area to run. It was drizzling when we reached Blk 108, the start point of the run.

Team Captain and Champion Runner, Gary Goh was there with a few other current and ex-Simeians. There were also a few "PR" and "FT". Not a very big crowd though but it's nice getting to get to know new running people.

The run took us through the usual Simei St 3 before going into Changi Business Park. The place is real quiet during the weekend and running post rain, it was shiok.

All too soon, the run came to an end, just about 9km and it was breakfast time courtesy of Changi Simei CSC.

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