Friday, August 25, 2006

The Mrs

The NB RR results are out and the Mrs clocked a very credible 1:03:17 (chip time) I am very proud of her. The last few practice at Sentosa she was still doing 1:11 to 1:15 and this is a drastic improvement.

She was an unwilling runner. Initially, when I started running seriously in 2003, she always said I crazy don't want to sleep wake up at 5.30 am to go running. My efforts to get her to run didn't work. Her excuse: "I can't run". Then she started joining me in the gym to reduce 'weight'. She started running on the threadmill but try as I could - couldn't get her to run on the road with me. She said she can only runs on threadmill.

When I started going to the Running Lab run, and told her of the people and the lady runners there - I think she got worried that I will run away with someone from there. (Too bad so far no takers for me:) So she decided to join me.

Now she runs 3-4 times a week more than me and I am the one who have to keep telling her to stop running and rest. She has done 4 races this year - I have only done 3 so far. This morning she surprised me when she said she will do the half for the SCSM. She said too many 10K already time for new challenge.

Time for me to stop running and turn coach.

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