Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Race that never got started

What a screw up race this turned out to me for me. May be somebody up there is really trying to send me a message that I'm not suppose to run.

It all started well enough. Picked up Cosmic at 6.30am reach Keppel Road at 6.45am. There was a long queue of cars so I patiently waited. After 10 minutes when the queue did not move, I started to panic. 10 minutes later and we had hardly moved 10 metres. Oh shit, this is bad. Many people in taxi were alighting and walking. At 7.15 am when we haven't even move pass Prima, I asked the Mrs and Cosmic to walk. By the time I reached the junction to Gateway, it was already 7.40. Sigh, it's going to be a mad rush to reach the start point in time like that.

At 7.45am I managed to move pass the ticketing booth at the causeway. At 7.50 I was just outside the Visitor Centre in my car when I saw the runners coming down from the Gateway Park. It was another 20 minutes before the traffic could move. I sped up to the Beach Car park only to be turned back and redirected to Sentosa Cove carpark. Bo piah, turned the car around drove down and got caught in another jam. This was just not going to be my day! Decided to try my luck at Tanjong beach but there was another long queue of cars waiting to go in. Uturn back to the Beach Car and went up to take a leak - saw all the returning runners running along. Time 8:40 am. What a **&^%%$ day! Gave up - decide to drove out since there was obviously no place to park. Drove pass the Gateway carpark and lo and behold - there got space. Finally got the stupid car parked at 8.45am - a mere 2 hours after reaching Keppel Rd.

Returned the chip, collected my goodie bag and went to watch the rest of the runners come back.

There surely is a conspiracy somewhere to stop me from running! First, the knee, than so many well meaning friends have been advising me not to do this run because of the sand and now this.

Indeed why do I want to do this? Why does the chicken cross the road? I have done the most practice run on Sentosa this year - 5 to be exact and not to be able to do the race itself is gut wrenching. I want to better my last year time and go out on a high ntoe - not as a bladdy sick old man. I am not an invalid yet! But after the operation, I know I will not be able to run at the same pace any more. Not that I fast in the first place but I will become very slow after the op. That I am sure. I will be just like the f(*&^)^% weekend uncle shuffling along in the park and I don't think I can take it!


  1. didnt realised that you didnt run this morning. pretty bad.

    I reached gateway at 6:30am, took me abt 5 mins to clear the attendance and park next(nearby) to the gateway carpark.

    Its fate lah. Next time ba.

  2. Tekko, let's look forward to SCSM ok? no matter what, we'll complete that! I believe u can do it!!

