Tuesday, July 05, 2011

GE Women 10K 2011

Last year the sidekick skipped this race but this year due to the considerably attractive pricing (as compared to the other races), she is back for this and so poor old me got to drag my butt down to be driver and supporter.

As usual, parked myself somewhere just in front of the start line. Seems like all the other guys also got the same idea and soon the stretch of Nicoll Highway was filled with photographers and staunch supporters. Spotted a few guys all decked out ready to run alongside their angels. 

 After the flag off, I moved towards the finish line but choose to place myself about 100 metres away to avoid the mass of photographers who had amass there. There had a fantastic view of the first few runners coming in.

First was who else but a Kenya.

Far behind was Suzy Walsham with Singaporen Ann Qi trailing her closely. Surprisingly though, Suzy slowed to a jog where I was and allowed Anne Date to overtake her to become the 1st Singapore Women 10k road run record holder. I really can't understand why Suzy gave up her 2nd position unless she was totally tired like this poor lady.

She was running erratically coming down the road and I think she was really badly dehydrated and was going to collapse soon. But with barely 100 metres to go, everybody was rooting for her to finish but unfortunately she collapsed into the arm of the security officer at the interim timing mat.

The first of the 2 lady friends that I know, Stella and Roonz soon came in strongly to finish among the top 15. Too bad there were so many foreigners this time round otherwise with their timing, it would definitely have been a top 10 finish.

A big surprise was Sumiko Tan didn't do so well. Maybe she haven't recover from the exertion last week when she finished top in the Sundown Ultramarathon.

Then the mass of runners starts coming in and I was busy trying to look out for friends and interesting characters. 

Happy to note that M managed to finish under 60 minutes despite the nagging problem with the foot. 

Saw the security evicted 1 man, quarrelled with non-registered participants. One angmio lady started arguing and the guy pointed to her shoe. I think he was saying no chip. But the lady in the end just push him aside and ran off. But surprisingly, they allow a lady with a pram to complete behind though the rules said no pram!

Walking around the Padang after the race, noticed the crowd of women happily queuing up for at the photobooth, for balloons (guess balloons are not just for kids); and whatever freebies that are available and I can understand nowadays why there are so many races just for women and none just for men.

Photos that I took here

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