Saturday, July 02, 2011

Sleep Can Wait

My own version of the Sundown Marathon but a mini one. Since M had decided to skip the Saturday run, and too lazy to wake up early for my own run, decided to do my run in the night. After a nice dinner and reaching home only about 10pm, managed to set off only at 11.30pm. A record for me! First time starting a run so late!

Started off as usual down Pasir Ris Town Park before running along Drive 3. Damn, outside of Downtown East, the pavement is always crowded with pedestrians and even at this time of the night, had to take evasive actions many time. Luckily, after the traffic light, it was all clear. The air was fresh despite the fumes from the passing cars. Decided to run along Loyang Drive inside the factories area instead of Loyang Ave to avoid the traffic. Of course eventually had to go out to Loyang Ave and continued along the dreadful boring long road. Wondered how the ultra runners can do such a 'mental' route? Finally turned into Cranwall Rd. Sianz. The slopes here seems never ending. Took a wrong turn and ended up at the Aloha holiday camp and had to u-turn back partially. Nevermind, that adds to the distance.

My initial objective was to do 20km seeing I had no 'shadow' with me this time and was free to roam and run at will. But upon reaching Changi Village and after getting a drink, while the mind was willing, the body was weak and decided to turn back. At this juncture, it was only 8km done. Ha ha so much for 20km!

Went back via Loyang Ave instead of doing the reverse way. The pavement along this stretch was narrow and dark but what was irritating was this group of teenage cyclists. They would cycle past forcing me to give way which was fine if it was one off but then they are to stop every now and then for their lagger friends to catch up and the end result was that they passed me 3 times and it was not 1 or 2 but a whole bunch of them! Looks like sleep can wait for a lot of people.

To shake them off, decided to cross over the road and run via the Selarang camp way adding another 2 km to the distance. So it the end it was 17km done finishing back at PP at about 1.25am for my first even midnight run!

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