Friday, October 02, 2009

Hurray - Starhub lost the EPL rights

I am probably like the only guy in this little red dot who is cheering the new that Singtel has won the rights to the EPL for next year.

I don't have any Mio account with Singtel. In fact, I am a Starhub cable tv subscriber which includes the sports channel. So why am I happy over the news?

Cos I gonna get to save $24.00 per month which is $288.00 per annum and that's not including GST. And that can get me 1 pair of running shoes, possibly 2 with discount thrown in.

I been meaning to cancel my subscription for quite some time but have been dragging my foot on it so this is the best opportunity to do so so. I am not going to miss watching the EPL since I hardly watch nowadays. In fact, for the whole of September, I only watched 1 game and that was the Manchester derby. And I am not a big fan of F1 so I not gonna miss that as well.

Now which shoe should I get?

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