Friday, October 09, 2009

Searching searching..........

It's nearly mid October and with 2 and a half months left to go before the end of the year, am still searching for a nice oversea destination to do a race.

Originally wanted to do the Angkor Wat but that has to be put on hold as it clashed with the Kid's school term. We could go without him of course but he wanted to go Cambodia so thought it would be wasteful to go again another time so can this for the time being.

So then we decided to go Taiwan and right smack in the middle of the trip is the Taipei Marathon. How nice but M said we will be in Kaoshiung at that time and it will be too much of a hassle to travel back to Taipei and then back to Kaoshiung so that is off too. So sad. Can somebody enlighten exactly how long does it take to travel from Kaoshiung to Taipei?

There is of course the Auckland marathon but that is in November and certainly both kids will want to go along and so that time period is out since they are still in school.

A last option before the year runs out is Chiang Mai but that is like 3 days after we return from Taiwan .... do I want to travel again so soon after a trip? Hmmmmm

Where else? Anybody any suggestions?


  1. With the high speed bullet train, Kaohsiung-Taipei is no more than 2 hours (excluding waiting time).

    Used to travel from Taipei to Kaohsiung by North-South Expressway 1 and that took at least 5 hours.

    Just Do It.


  2. Hi Wong,

    Yeah that one option I considering which include going to Taipei one day earlier. Thanks.

