Monday, October 19, 2009

Salomon X Trail Run 2009

Went over to the Tampines Mountain Bike park for my masquerade sessions.

This was the day of the Salomon XTrail Run at the TMBP. Had originally wanted to sign up for this race but my constant companion was not keen and so in the end decided to save the $38 and skipped it with a lot of regrets. Firstly, the event tee came in orange! and TMBP was like home ground since I go there pretty often. I like the wide open area, soft ground and peace except when those people go in there to fly their model planes.

Anyway, out of the blue, got a call from a friend to take over his slot as he had to run another event so begin the first of my masquerade.

Wearing a bib that did not belong to me, I went there to begin my passing off. Met M's Uncle Seah, my Simei team captain and a few friends from sgrunners. The race started a little bit earlier for the Men Open, flagged off by MP Charles Chong and the rest of us, meaning the Women, Men and Women veterans started 15 minutes later. The sun had came out by then but fortunately it soon went behind the clouds and stayed that way for the rest of the run. Since I was just there to soak in the atmosphere, I did not make any attempts to run fast (not that I am that fast anyway) and was content to hang behind the main bulk of the runners.

I thought I was pretty familiar with TMBP but the lazy runner that I am, whenever I go there, I only run the easy path but this time round they made us run all over with many up and down over the knolls and including 1 'river' crossing. Fortunately for me, my Adidas Exerta held up well, and did not get suck into the mud although my Wright socks was a goner.

The 'river' crossing. The organiser forced the runners to go into the water instead of crossing the bridge.

The narrow path especially on the various up/down slopes made it difficult to run and I had to constantly stop to let runners pass me. Also had to walk quite a bit on these slopes when the runners in front refuse to give way. Nevermind, I was in good spirit and enjoying the run so I didn't get frus like normal.

Just one of the many small narrow path that we had to navigate

Back at the end was my second masquerade session. This one more drama lol. Removed my bib and assumed another identity - this time of my Simei team captain who had to rush off for a oversea trip. Why need to assume his identity when the race is already over? Cos he came in 2nd in the Men Veteran and I unabashedly stepped up on stage to claim his prize and shake hand with the VIP! Ha ha ha my 'first podium finish' lol. I think the other runners must be wondering where this guy came from and how did he ended up 2nd! And for my masquerade, I got rewarded with a black Salomon T-shirt (the same one that was worn by the volunteers and organiser)

Not bad for a free and nice Sunday morning run!

And congrats to Uncle Seah (8th position Men Veteran), Stella (3rd Women Open). And to my friend who passed me his bib, I hope I didn't disgrace you with my slow timing.

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