Tuesday, February 07, 2006

MR25 TT Practice 3

Went to MR again this morning for practice number 3. Reached there at 9 am. The sun already up. Lots of Hwa Chong students there for their x-country.

Decided not to start so fast this time. But barely 5 minutes into the first run, must have disturbed a pair of monkeys making out cos before I knew what happened, was hit by a bunch of falling branches. Luckily, by a stroke of miracle, none of them hit my head - all landed on my back and shoulder. Momentarily stunned, I paused for a while to shrug off the branches before continuing. But the pace was affected and reached the u-turn point in 12 min 37 sec, way off mark. By then morale was low. With no pacer and few runners in sight to do 'catching up', and especially while going up the 2 slopes, the mind keep telling me to forget it and walk - sure cannot finish within 25 mins. But somehow managed to find a last burst of energy and eventually finished in 25m 01s. Surprising even better than the previous run.

Maybe my instinct was right - not to start too fast but rather to start slower and power up later.

Did 1 more recovery run at a slow pace finishing in 31m 01s. Afternoon, got physio hopefully this will be the last session.

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