Tuesday, December 09, 2014

An Apology - Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2014

In my previous post, I made a claim that some people were taking a shorter route during the SCMS and included in the post were photographs of some individuals and their timing results. That post has attracted a lot of attention including calls from reporter and even a lawyer purporting to act for one of the individual in the post.

Since then, it has came to light that these individuals may have been diverted by the race organiser to take the shorter route. Below is the full statement from the SCMS. The link can be found here.

Public announcement about SCMS 2014 results

Spectrum Worldwide is aware of the online article referencing marathon (42.195km) runners who were photographed at Gardens By The Bay East during Sunday’s Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore.

To clarify, a number of diversion points were positioned along the marathon route. If any runners had not passed a diversion point by a specified time, they were diverted on to a shorter route towards the finish line. The diversion points were planned with the safety of runners in mind, as the closed roads had to be re-opened at a specific time in accordance with the requests of the authorities.

One of these diversion points was located at approximately the 13km mark of the marathon. From 7.30am, all marathon runners who had not crossed this point were diverted (removing the entire stretch of East Coast Park) and had their race distance reduced by approximately 17km. This diversion allowed them to comfortably reach Marina Barrage (35km) by about 8.15am where some may have been photographed in the referenced online article.

As highlighted on the official event website and handbook prior to the event, all participants who were diverted are still entitled to receive the Finisher’s T-shirt and Finisher’s Medal upon crossing the finish line. However, they will not receive the Finisher’s Certificate and their official race timings will not be recorded.

One of the reason why I wrote the earlier post is that as a regular runner in the local running scene, it irk me a lot to see runners who are totally not prepared attempting the full marathon. And everywhere there will be many people who do so just for the finisher tee and medal like the infamous incident last year. My intention was to highlight these incidents and hope that the running community as a whole can come together to condemn such behaviour and build a better running environment and community. In penning the post, never in my wildest dream would I ever think that the SCMS itself, the organiser of a Gold Label race will actually ask participants to take a "shorter" route. The correct practice adopted internationally I believe, is for participants who failed to meet the cut off to board the sweeper bus and not be allowed to take a shorter route to the finish line! I will address this again in a separate more detailed post in due course.
In any event, it appears that because of this, I have jumped to the wrong conclusion and wrongly accused these people. I know no words can take back what has been done but still I would like to offer my sincere apologies if the post has caused any one of these individuals any embarrassment. Nevertheless I have decided that the original post shall remain but with some amendments and the deletion of the photos and names. Hopefully, the post will generate more discussion on this issue and if it serves as a wake up call to running community at large to tackle this problem, the post will not be in vain.


  1. Organiser is totally irresponsible for allowing these not within cutoff to finish the race and claim the medal and finishing t. Now everyone can run a marathon - of 25km

  2. Usually won't have too many cheaters.. If you happen to see many.. Something is amiss.. Find out more before jumping the gun.. Those unable to complete gathered a lot of courage to try.. Got u turn already quite disappointing..

  3. I have no comment.
    It was really really hurt.

  4. Madam Xu Xiaoying, 27, one of six runners shamed on the blog, maintained her innocence, saying she was rerouted by marshals.

    In between sobs, she told The Straits Times: "I passed the 12km mark but was not allowed to enter ECP. I continued running and found myself at the 31km mark."

    She added: "The blog post really hurt me. I won't join this event again."

    - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/blogger-retracts-stanchart-marathon-cheat-claim-20141210#xtor=CS1-10

  5. Never jump to conclusion... Find out the truth before commenting!

  6. Don't Shame others by posting their photo. What if we track u down use your photo and edit your photo and post and shame u!!!

  7. Pls apologize to each single person whom u posted to shame them! U Deserved no sympathy and no respect from others!

    1. He has made a public apology. What are you going on about?

    2. Public apology is always insincere. It is too general and it is not specific to anyone. Not addressing to anyone. What if he shame your husband or your son with photo and comment? He should apologise to your husband or son so that it teaches him a lesson and not too anyhow shame anyone. He will think twice before he acts. Worst he shame so many members of public.

      He also shame my friend in his post with his post. My friend said he didn't feel someone apologize to him. What u think???

  8. I was one of the runner in SCMS 2014
    As my pace was pretty consistent compared to last year performance, I was expecting banana and energy gel at certain stops during the race.
    But this year, all banana and energy gel were gone by the time I reach the stops, even 100 plus drinks were also wiped out nearing the end of the race. All thanks to the screwed-up organiser which allows slow runners to finish them.

    To the author, I say you have done your job.
    Without your post, I wouldn't aware of such things happening to the "Gold" level marathon, supposed to be the best in Singapore.

    1. Although the blogger did jump the gun (and I am not saying he was right for doing so), his action also inadvertently made the SCMS organisers account for their actions on Straits Times.

      Hopefully next time this or similar events are organised, they will MAKE SURE such things are accounted for to event participants. This kind of things should not happen in such "classic events".

    2. Public apology is always insincere. It is too general and it is not specific to anyone. Not addressing to anyone. What if he shame your husband or your son with photo and comment? He should apologise to your husband or son so that it teaches him a lesson and not too anyhow shame anyone. He will think twice before he acts. Worst he shame so many members of public.

      He also shame my friend in his post with his post. My friend said he didn't feel someone apologize to him. What u think???

    3. What is wrong with you. Why do you blame the slow runners for the lack of drinks / bananas? It is the responsibility of the organisers to ensure that there is enough for everyone. The slow runners are entitled to drinks as you are entitled to them

  9. Running doesnt suck.. Its runners such as yourself that make running suck

  10. Tekko I apologise to u first for I am thinking of posting your pics to continue cyber bullying u. The pic of the lady is still the profile pic of ur post on ur FB page..

    At least I apologise personally and publicly at the same time.

