Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Green is the color of nature which I love very much. Green is also the color of envy which I really dislike. And green is the primary color of the latest 2 pair of shoes that I bought recently!

I am partial to one particular color and almost all my self-paid running shoes come with that particular color but somehow this time round, it seems that I am out of luck with getting the shoe of my choice in the color of my choice.

First one was the New Balance MT101 which I got in Hong Kong and which was in a beautiful sparkling green. Now the MT101 was a shoe I been eyeing since I first read about it and so I had to buy it regardless of its color.

Then yesterday I went down to the local Saucony distributor to get the Kinvara. In the US, the Kinvara comes in various color combination out of which 2 variations comes in the color that I want so I was all hyped up that surely I will be able to get one here as well. 

Imagine my dismay when the friendly guy showed me the luminous shocking lime green pair and happily told me that was the only color they had and were bringing in. 
Photos from the Saucony website
My jaw dropped, my heart sunk. Should I just walk out? But the price he was offering to me was too good to resist and so I went along with the purchase. But just so that I get my fix of my fave color, I went and bought a pair of Grid Type A4 which of course comes with a few strip of my color! 
But this pair will goes to the kid and the Kinvara will follow the MT101 and stay in the boxes for the time being until I retire a few more shoes. 


  1. How much are the kinvaras? Runninglab doesnt carry it.

  2. Hi there K, The Kinvaras should be retailing at the recommended retail price of $169.00. They should be available at Running Lab later this month. If you can't wait, you can contact First-2 Marketing, the distributor and direct from them

  3. Hi, just checked out the Kinvara. They are really cushy compared to other flats I have tried before. Now it got me thinking of getting one. Can get better discount from First-2 instead? Queensway offering $143.

  4. Hi Horse(?),
    You should be able to get about 30% discount outright from Queensway. Call First 2 and compare prices before you go and get

