Monday, January 19, 2009

Short Run at MR

Went MR. Have not run there for a long long time. Did a short little run with Alicia and M. Took the MR25 route starting from the zigzag bridge till the 2nd fitness corner and back. Distance should be around 4.8km to 5km. Time taken 32:02mins which I think is rather good. Last week run was at Bedok Reservoir and it took Alicia around 31mins so this is a big improvement considering the terrain.

Anybody can confirm what is the exact distance from zigzag bridge to fitness corner and back?


  1. Yo Koh....pardon my ignorance who is Alicia?

    I run on the treadmill at last four times a week and lately managed 4 km around 31-33 mins....scare to attempt marathon leh.....

  2. Hi Daniel,

    Garmin so ex. Must wait for any angel to give leh:)

  3. zigzag bridge to fitness corner and back...sounds like the MR TT route for it should be around 4.8km? if u want 'exact', maybe it's 4.7869..

    i not sure lah haha.


  4. Thanks Roonz. Based on my guestimation, I also think it is 4.8km

  5. i garmined the TT route before, came up with 2.47, 2.47, 2.50, 2.49. (one way) This includes the stretch from the fitness corner to the Lornie road pavement, unfortunately i dunno wat the distance is for this part.

