World Harmony Run. What a grand sounding title and what aspiration. A run for world peace, world harmony. Why not? So I goondu goondu signed up. It was supposed to be a 37 km run at moderate pace with stops at various religious outlets. Although the organiser has stated that the time taken is to be from 7.30 pm to 1.00 pm it turned out to be the longest run I ever did so far.

We started a little late from MacRitchie Reservoir, a motley gang of around 40 runners (mostly from sgrunners), 2 cisco escorts, 1 ambulance, 1 cyclist escort and 1 mini coach and 1 support car running a distance of about 4km to our first stop - the Bright Hill Temple at Bishan.
After a short prayer by one of the monks, we moved off to the Salvation Army Here we didn't get to go in and after another short prayer, off we went again. This time,

down Marymount Rd to Balestier and to the beautiful Burmese Buddhist Temple. 2 Ang Mio joined us for a very short distance b4 breaking away. I was running sweeper and there was this 57 years old guy walking. He told me he had a heart attack 7 years ago and has taken up running to keep with. I was a bit concerned on hearing that. By than, we had fall behind by almost 500 metres. Fortunately, he decided to board the coach after some time and I had to chiong to catch up with the main group of runners at Balestier Rd.

Another prayer and blessing by the monks. Here they served us monkeys with bananas and off we go to next door - the Sun Yat San Memorial Hall.

After phototaking, went into the main building and the muscle went into shock upon coming into contact with the aircon. Ah... how nice just to stay there and not continue.
Next stop, the Tai Ping Yuen Temple in Whampoa. Another prayer, more food

(vegetarian ham and egg sandwiches) and down the road to the Masjid Hajah Rahimabi Kebun Limau mosque. Whoa, they served us H2O and plums and jambu. For that, we had to do the song and dance for the children. By that, we were running late already. Talked to this Malay lady who had just came back from KL after a race. I salute her!
We soon reached the Ceylon Sports Club. The people there were playing cricket, a

game that is totally alien to me. But more fruits, sandwiches and drinks. I took this opportunity to sit down and rest a while. By than, estimated we had covered about 20k.

Next stop, the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple in Serangoon Rd. After a whole morning of cloud, the sun was out now. Decided not to go into the temple but hang around outside. It has been an interesting run so far, seeing all the new places and meeting so many new faces from sgrunners and getting to know the other people as well.

Down the road to the next Indian temple, the Sri Vadapathira Kaliamman Temple. Again, elected not to go in. Fortunate enough to witness the blessing of a new car.
The Sun is blazing now and I'm thinking - what am I doing? We move off from there to the Civil Service Club. One lady was so alarmed by the whole gang of us running in that she fell to the floor! By now it was 12 noon and we had covered probably 25km which means another 12 km in 1 hour if we were to make it to Merlion park by 1 pm as per schedule.
We turned back to the Central Sikh Temple in Serangoon where we were given a raptous welcome by the Temple trustees

who were waiting patiently for us. Wondering whether Yap will cut short the route and just go up Lavender and back to Merlion park. No such luck. Some more, took the long route to East Coast - via Boon Keng, Sims Drive, Still Road. Running as sweeper, it was so tempting to just go up the bus to cool off and rest my legs especially as runners after runners took turn to board the bus. But decided to continue since I was still feeling fine although a bit hungry.
At Marine Parade, we will met by the rest of the sgrunners who had completed their biathlon in the morning. Quite a number proceeded to join us for the rest of the run. At East Coast Park, the sky opened up - to cool us off? But it was too heavy. The spirit sank and when Bee, Divey decided to go up the coach, I finally followed. There, managed to grab a banana. Recharged, I joined back the runners at Fort Rd.
Crossing the road, who shld I see but my car at the traffic light under the flyover. The Mrs was on the way to pick me up. There and than, so tempted to just hop in and go home. Cannot lose face. Ran on down Mountbattan Road, Nicoll Highway and finally Marina Promenade. By now pretty tired and hungry like a bear. Stop to chat with Bug who was walking. He superrunner cannot tahan the slow pace and was deliberately creating a gap so that he can chiong!

Bought a 100+ from a street vendor. Feeling sufficient recharged and with the end in sight, decided to move forward and stop playing sweeper. Finally, the Esplanade and Merlion Park. It is over. 7 hours 10 minutes! what a run!
I sincerely hope there will be world harmony at least for a day.