Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007 Hello 2008

Started 2007 rather depressed and demoralized but gradually as the year passed the mood got better and ended the year with a best ever marathon timing. So it was a good year after all and now it's the last day of 2007!

Looking forward to 2008 hmmm...
Perhaps I will also adopt Brutus' resolution for 2008?

Ha ha no way. But seriously nobody keeps their resolution anyway so I'm not going to have any resolution just 2 small targets:

1. Run a 10km under 50 minutes
2. Run a half marathon under 1hours 50 minutes

That's all short and simple. And I decided - no full marathon or anything longer than half for 2008 unless I get a chance to go to one of the cool climate country than maybe...

Happy New Year friends, relatives and loved ones. Wishing everybody prosperity and joy in the coming year!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Lazy Month

December has been designated lazy month. Resolved not to go to the gym - so far so good - Resolved not to swim - how to swim in such cold weather? Total number of runs this month other than the marathon - 6 so far, average of 2 per week. The only exercise I'm doing seriously is for my stomach - not the crunches type but the eating type:)

And what do I get for lazing? A (*^%$ flu or is it a cold?(can never tell the difference!). How to go for my marathon makan session tomorrow?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Hills Run

There are 2 type of runs - training runs and easy runs. Training runs are runs like LSD, interval, tempo run or any runs where the main focus is running and anything else is secondary. Then there are the easy runs like jogging, short aimless runs and what I call sightseeing runs.

This morning joined some of the sgrunners in the Christmas Hills Run. Starting from Tanjong Pagar MRT station to Mount Faber to Telok Blangah Hills and finally to Labrador Park. This is what I called a sightseeing run - the type where every now and than we will stop to admire the scenery and somebody will take photographs - just like tourists. But this sightseeing run actually quite siong - with the hills to climb. We took almost 2 hours 20 minutes just to complete the 17 or so km. Nevertheless, it was a refreshing change from East Coast Park and all the other place and we were blessed with good weather too!

It was nice meeting many new faces from sgrunners. A big thank to Tigger for organising the run.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Miracle Healing Products

While in Japan, bought a Phiten sports necklace. Phiten products; so it is claimed is developed using Phild Process Titanium technology incorporating mico-titanium sphere and aqua-titanium and quote "it helps to maintain a person's natural body state in balance which is easily disrupted by today's busy lifestyle. By doing so, enhances your body’s energy level and lessen fatigue. Pain is reduced and flexibility increases" Wore it for the past 2 runs. Did it work?

Also have a Ebene bio-ray knee guard. According to its website, it help to "1. Promotes blood & oxygen circulation around calves, knees & lower thighs
2. Increases energy and supply of nutrients to the knee bones and soft tissues.
3. Relieves knee pain & strengthen the knee bones and soft tissues.
4.With the increased blood & oxygen circulation around your knees & legs,
it does not only increases energy to knees and legs, but also relaxes muscles to increase running speed for sportsmen

Then there is the bio socks bought at a roadside stall at 3 for $10.00.

M also have an Owell magnetic bracelet which is supposed to harness the healing power of the magnetic to promote general well being and which she wears every day.

So do all these products work?

Let's just say I can think of better way to spend my money but then again I don't think it's going to stop me from buying the next miracle product that comes along:)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

SCSM 2007 Video

Finally got some time to do the video for the SCSM 2007.

This time got Brokie, Alvo, Cosmic, Ayin and me (for once) in it! But must got patience and watch slowly than can see the former 3 fly by.

The link for the Youtube version here

Monday, December 10, 2007


Official time: 4:59:30 gun time; 4:55:30 chip time which makes it exactly a 7min/km or 8.6km/hr pace. Somehow, I have this nagging thought that if only I had put in a little bit of effort, I could have done better but ....

Anyway, what's next?

Maybe another shot at it? Oops.. forgot my new year resolution is going to be - not to run the full again.

But then again.... who keeps to their new year resolution?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

SCSM 2007

The moment I been waiting for since August 2006. Back for a third try I just wanted to prove to myself that I can do it without cramps never mind the timing. But actually who runs a race without a target time? So I came up with a safe 5 hours. The plan was to follow the 5 hours pacers and if not; run 1:10 for every 10 km and crossed fingers that I can finish in 5 hours.

Started the race in pen 5 (those finishing under 6 hours) running side by side with Ayin and Cobalt. Just after the 2 km mark, Cobalt moved off and the 2 of us continued our Sunday jog. Ayin longest run was the NB real run and his last run was Nov 7 after which he had been sick or on holiday so he was contended to jog with me. Took a pee break at the Marina South Ferry Terminal and covered the 1st 10 km in 1:15. Slightly off target but minus the 4 minutes of start lag, still within my desired pace. At the 20km, time was 2:21 so somehow along the way had managed to catch up a bit. Ayin finally decided to move off after the 25km and I continued slowly. 30km: 3:29 - perfect still on time and best of all, past my 2 psychological barriers - the u-turn and Bedok Jetty (where I choked in my last 2) without problem. Contemplated speeding up but in the end decided not to chance it. Saw Susan cheering for everybody at Marine Cove.

By now the sun was up high and I started taking 3 jelly beans every water point leaving my last pack of powergel for 37km. At 32km, saw Cookie who complained of cramps. Told me the 5 hours pacer was in front and I decided to catch up with them. Hopefully, if I follow their pace, chance are can complete by 5 hours. Caught up with them at around the 35km mark and decided they were too slow and move off ahead. Surprised to see Ayin just in front of me. He too was having cramps and pretty bad it seem.

Decided to run with him. Since we started together, we shall finish together. So from then on, we did a run/walk stopping to walk whenever his cramp came back. The longest stretch of walking was after the Crawford Road slope and we walked all the way until the 41km mark before he decided to chance it and we ran back together. His cramp kept threatening to come back and just after the Esplanade Tunnel with only 200 metres to go, he was screaming in agony but still gamely ran on. With the 5 hours drawing near, we dash the last 150 metres to stop the clock at 4:59(gun time). Chip time should be around 4:56 a personal best for me! Yipee!

So I achieved what I wanted. A race where I did not had to walk long stretch, no cramps; can walk around thereafter without looking like somebody had stuck a big bamboo rod up the ass:). Probably can finish faster even. I think this is it - the perfect race for me - so people believe me, I going to stop doing the full marathon henceforth. Oh, remind me of my pledge if anybody hear me signing up for any of the full next year:)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Asics 2120

2nd shoe purchase in a week. Got my Asics 2120. Too late to season it for the big out tomorrow. It has my favourite colour. But only a little bit. Most of it on the sole. So for good measure, got a pair of Sole footbed to complement it. Ha ha!

2 down 2 to go. Was hoping to get the TNF Arnuva 50. But saw the 100 at RL and it is black and orange - so now I think I get the 100 instead. Hopefully, they can have my size soon. Last pair after seeing the Spira - very tempt to just buy 1 to try out. But Zoots got new shoe out - also very tempting to try that as well... hmmm decisions decisions........ Maybe will go for the one that comes in my fave colour.

Date of Purchase: 23 December 2007

Cost: $198.00

Purchase from: Running Lab Funan

Worn in Race:

6 April 2008 Couples Run
23 April 2008 JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge
6 August 2008 Saucony 100 Plus Passion Run 2008
10 August 2008 Pearl Izumi Pure Run
24 August 2008 Army Half Marathon
12 October 2008 Borneo Marathon
1 March 2009 Netwon Run
15 March 2009 Suburban Run

Retired: 12 September 2009

Total Mileage: 577.81km
