Saturday, May 31, 2008

1st try - Nike+ Sportband

Had decided last evening to forgo run this morning as I have a long day ahead and needed all my rest. Weather was good this morning perfect for sleeping in. But somehow still woke up at 8am (relatively early by my standard) for a non running/working day. Could hear a voice beckoning to me seductively...come wake up and take me... no it's not what you think:)

It's my brand new Nike+ sportband beckoning to me from it box. Yes I finally managed to get hold of the new Nike+ sportband even though I had said I will wait for the next generation but an opportunity came which was too good to resist!

First thing first - to insert the sensor into the SwitchEasy's Runaway casing. Yes I still haven't got any Nike+ enabled shoes. Actually I haven't got any Nike shoe. Spend 5 minutes figuring how to open the darn casing before realising that I need a screwdriver to prise it open. Sigh.. why do they make it so difficult. Time: 8:35am. Fitting in the sensor was straightforward, but getting the cap to close back securely was giving me finger ache. No matter how I press, it couldn't close. Wish I have that Nike shoe. After another 5 minutes of fiddling, blur me finally realised there was a piece of paper in the top cap causing the problem. Hah.. finally close it. Now to attach it to the shoes. Most of my shoes are fitted with lock laces and the Runaway looked loosed hooked on to it. Should it face up or down? Will it drop off? Darned I really need a Nike+ shoe. hint hint:)

8:50am. Finally ready to start my run. Took the lift down. Weather looking good. Can't wait. Peel off the sticker on the sportband. Press the button for 3 seconds. Er how come no display? Press again. Holy shit.. urgggg no battery! Silly me. I have presumed it came partially charged. The Mrs laughed and laughed. She's going to buy breakfast. Me... gave up abort run and join her.

Lesson to learn: Always read the instructions first before trying anything new

So now I am charging the sportband and wondering which Nike+ shoe should I get. Any recommendations anyone?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Long Week

Finally the week draws to a close. It has been a long long busy week what with the expo and everything. But I still managed to squeeze in a marathon this week - ha ha even if it is split over 5 sessions.

5 running sessions in a week. That is a personal record for me. I can't recall when was the last time I actually run 5 times in a week. My mantra is less is good, more is bad so have always try never to run more than 4 times a week and even than, 1 session will be a short run.

Most lsd runners will laugh when they know of my weekly mileage - average of 30km mainly split over 3 and sometimes 4 sessions. But I am enjoying it. No stress no long tiring and grueling 3 - 4 hours of non-stop running.

Anyway, all the best to all my friends doing the Sundown Marathon this coming weekend. Enjoy the run!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The Today newspaper ran an article yesterday on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Apparently, a person can have too much exercise and not just go into a rut but suffer from a real medical condition whereby the person is too tired - in extreme case - to even get out of bed!

Hmmm that sounds like me...most days (actually its not most days but everyday)
- I don't even want to get out of bed and I just wanna lie around and laze the whole day through. :)

Anyway, I don't know about CFS but a lot of the runners I know suffer from CIS.

Day in day out when I surf the forum, I read of people with persistent injuries, ITB, knee pain blah blah blah yet these people continue to run like there is no tomorrow and than complain the injury never go away. Typically, he or she get ITB, shin splint, rest a few days and than continue running. Run 5km no pain declared himself/herself cured and jump back to long distance and wham, the injury surface again and each time it become worse and worse. And so the pattern repeats itself. End result - CIS - continuous injury syndrome! And the horror of it all - some of these people see the injury as some sort of badge of honour - like a passing or age rites, got injury from running means got reach 'standard' already! Can you beat that?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Southern Ridges Run

One of the ladies wanted to explore the new Southern Ridges Bridges so we decided to do it on Vesak Day. Turned out some of the sgrunners will also planning to run there so we tumpang on to the run since I wasn't sure of the route.

Started at Mt Faber Safra. At 7.30 am the first bridge, the Henderson Waves was already packed with sightseekers which kinda make it difficult to run. It got worse at the Hilltop and Forest Walk on Telok Blangah Hill so we ran at the bottom of the forest on a trail. Due to the nature of the soil and the gradient (mostly downward), it was quite slippery running on it. Crossed Alexandra Rd via the Alexandra Arch.

By now the sun was out strong and bright and we stopped there for a toilet break. Actually, we had many breaks through out the 10km or so run, stopping to wait for each other and taking photographs.

From the Hort Park,
we went up to Kent Ridge Park before Dream and DO led us through a 'short cut' trail path back to Canterbury estate.
Like Saturday right at Seletar Camp, this place was filled with black and white bungalows. Having had the opportunity many years ago to visit a friend staying there once, I really envied those people staying there so close to nature.

Going back via the Forest Walk was terrible. The crowd was now out in full force and it was almost impossible to run. The others were smart enough to run on the trail again whereas lazy us decided to walk

Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable run. Found a new trail to run in (beside MR) and also discovered the beauty of the Hort Park.

More pictures here

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Memory Run

For a change, went into other people's territory to run. Sengkang to be precise.

First time running in the area. Went on up to Seletar Camp. That place brings back a lot of memories as I spend many years of reservist there. Only thing is during those years, never got the chance (actually never got the mood or desire then) to run there.

The black & white are so beautiful. Really envy those people staying there with the wide open grounds and big spacious buildings. Heard the place going to be redeveloped into another aerohub. So sad:(

Sungei Serangoon?

A ramshackle relocated temple from Pulau Ubin

The famous Thasevi Roti Prata

Cholesterol free prata? Is it possible?

The Church that has been there since oh so long ago

The Seletar Camp entrance

The abandoned Camp Commandant building

One of the beautiful houses along Edgeware Rd

This one even has a guardian 'angel'

Stables or garages?

Another big house. Wonder who's the lucky fellas who get to stay there?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Why I Race?

Why do I participate in race after race knowing that I can never win - wrong never even come in top 10?

For the goodie bag?

Just to join the crowd?

For a PB?

Nothing better to do?

Somebody said to take part in a race, the objective must be to win, to run the faster race. In a race, that person said, there is no place for the social runners.

If that is true, than people like me should stop taking part in race since honestly most time I participate just to soak in the atmosphere. Hmmm maybe subconsciously I am already doing that since I am sitting out some major races this year.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sundown Fam Run

Joined the sgrunners in 1 of the Sundown Fam Run. Ha ha I am not racing this race but can't resist being a kaypoh.

This run is supposed to be a 30km run from East Coast Park to Pasir Ris and back. There was a big turnout. Seems like this is quite common nowadays for sgrunners initiated event. Many new faces.

My purpose of the run was just to recce the location of the support table which will be set up by a few of us to support the runners. Started from ECP Carpark C4 along the Siglap Park Connector. Ran at the back of the pack with Efraim joining us from the RL, Matthew and friend, Passion back from the USA. Weather was pretty cool and we ran at a leisurely pace of 7.30min/km. The front of course disappeared even before we managed to finish crossing the overhead bridge at ECP!

U-turn with Wendy, Matthew and Neil(?) at Bedok Reservoir. So we ran a total of about 14+km.The route we took:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge aftermath

2006: 82/259 1:59:17
2007: 148/284 2:13:59
2008: 110/242 2:02:06

While other people celebrate winning a trip to USA, we celebrate an improvement in our timing. Okay not very good timing but still better than last year, not bad considering got one crippled old man, one with a permanent PF, one slightly overweight guy and one newbie whose last race was the SCSM 10km last year.

But after all the effort and $45 for 30 minutes or so of running agony, all we got was a cotton t-shirt and a non-woven shopping bag, the first green race in Singapore they said! Not even isotonic drink at the end of the race!

But at least every year I get to find a new running top for the company

2005 - OEM made in China 'Nike' dri-fit t-shirt
2006 - AGT brand running top + shorts some more
2007 - Went up market and got NB top
2008 - Saucony top

Monday, May 05, 2008

Ugly Shoes II

Came across what is positively the ugliest normal looking shoe ever. This one beats the MBT hand down in the area of looks or rather non-look. The picture here doesn't do justice to its actual ugliness.

German design and manufactured in Korea it is almost the same as the MBT or at least that's what the info on its website claimed.

It is build with a elevated heel about 1 inch off the ground. The idea is for the user to step down on the heel and roll forward much like the MBT. What it has done away with is the soft middle sole of the MBT so that the shoes now resemble a ladies high heel shoes with the high heel broken off. Like the MBT, it is expensive, at $428 a good $50 more than the MBT.

Check it out the next time you are at Novena Square. Only than can you appreciate how ugly it can be.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Nike+ Sports Band

I just found the device I been looking for for a long long time. The Nike+ SportBand. Was lucky enough to be invited to attend a Nike preview of their latest product Prior to the preview, didn't even know such a device exist.
So what exactly is the Nike+ SportsBand? Basically, it is just different version of the Nike+ that works together with the IPod. It functions as a normal watch but can record pace, calorie and distance. No heart rate though but that is fine with me since I still don't think I can get use to wearing a 'bra' chest strap:)

It is stylish looking (comes in black only at the moment), light and as the name implies, meant to be worn around the wrist like a watch. Usage is easy. Out of the box, it is 95% accurate without calibration and 98% accurate with calibration. Calibration is easy. Just run more than 400m (preferably at a track) and upload the run info to the Nike+ website and amend the record. The sportsband is charged via USB to a computer and battery life is 16 hours for recording and up to months if just use as a watch. 16 hours is sufficient for people like me. I don't see myself running that long not in the near future and even distant future. To start tracking distance, just press a button (there are only 2) for 3 seconds and than press again and its off. Download the run detail straightaway to the Nike+ website (another advantage)not pc bound. I can go on and on about its ease of use but unfortunately, at the moment it is not yet launch in Singapore. Launch date is supposed to be in mid May so meanwhile, I guess have to start looking for a Nike shoe:)

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Was turning into the carpark F1 at the ECP this morning. Approaching my car on the East Coast Service Road was a lady cyclist riding against the traffic. She doesn't seem to be slowing down so I decided to stop and let her pass first in case she didn't see my car and crash into it.

And what do I get for this gesture of courtesy? The bitch showed me her finger!

This is not the first time I see inconsiderate or rude cyclist. And I am not talking about those inconsiderate fella using the pavement. Take those cyclists going up MacRitchie viaduct. Instead of using the main road, they go up the viaduct and slowed down the traffic. Worse is, some of them choose to ride parallel and chitchat to each other! And I not even counting how many times I have to move one side to avoid the pack of cyclists riding on Old Upp Thomson Rd to Upp Pierce!

Not trying to put down cyclists but a little bit of courtesy towards runners and other road users won't kill and certainly will go a long way to pacify motorists already irked by having to avoid them.
