Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Itch and Cramp

The foot had been itching like mad the past days. Probably from the medication that I had been applying to ease the sprain on the left foot. I think it is either the Camphor or the Menthol inside the Eagle brand ointment. Just like the Tiger medical oilment, initially there is no reaction. But after prolong usage, the itch comes. The common ingredient in both these 2 brands are the Camphor and the Menthol. So look like I cannot use them anymore.

Okay at least I know what caused this but this... I can't believe it actually happened to me

Was walking along the MRT walkway towards office when the right calf suddenly seized up. Yeah, I had a cramp in the morning while walking to walk! How in the world did that happened? 

Interesting.  A new but not nice experience.

Maybe slacking is not so good for me.Yeah, been slacking big time what with the foot sprain, work and no race to train for... Maybe this is my body telling me to buck up and put more effort into my keep fit regime. 

1 comment:

  1. May rest fully before embarking on any exercise regime lor.

    Take care hor, btw this Sunday at Bedok Reservior will you be there? If you are, find me at a NTUC Women's Development Booth I'll be there :D

