Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Home Run

Did another neighbourhood run. Now Tuesday and Friday have become family run day as all 4 of us are running.

Since he started running with us in September last year, the Kid has been improving by leaps and bounds. Last night, got blown away by him along the Bedok Park Connector. For the first time ever, I was not able to catch up with him when he decided to 'chiong'. Normally, as per the 2 kids habit, they will run and towards the last 200 metres, they will sprint away leaving us 2 old fogeys struggling in their wake. But that is the last 200 metres. Yesterday, it was just after the first km when I was left trailing and only managed to catch up because he had to stop at the traffic junction.

The Princess is training for her school's road race. It is anybody bet whether she will continue thereafter but then again she has PE and NAPFA and what's not so she will probably continue to maintain some sort of exercise regime, I hope.

Meanwhile, time to up the ante for the Kid to 10 km?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I survived Eastside Run

Hmmm when was the last time I ran more than 10km? 14 December and that was 10.5km so no count. Have to go even further to mid November when I did around 14km at East Coast Park.

So what the heck was I doing this morning running 16km?

Well to begin with, it was the first Sgrunners' 1st Eastside Run of the year so must support a bit. Turnout wasn't too bad - there were 11 of us starting the run from Sun Plaza park to Pasir Ris via the Tampines Mountain Bike park, Tampines Ave 9, 10 and finally Pasir Ris through the Farmways


Photo courtesy of AC Leong. More photos here

The TMBP was difficult to run as usual but luckily like most Eastside run, this was what I call a sightseeing run with many stops to take pictures so that sort of make it easier because there was plenty of rest stop. It was a hot morning and with the numerous stops to take picture, eventually we took almost 2 and a half hour to complete 16km.

Suffice to say, since I am writing this, it must mean I survived the heat and the run. Thank God!

Friday, January 22, 2010

More Challenges Ahead

Confirmed doing another 3 races this year so bringing the total to 5 so far. Maybe I can make it 1 race a month starting from March. That will be a personal best:)

Okay so next sign up is the Passion Run. Will do the 50Km Duo with my constant running companion aka MHA aka She Who Must Not Be Named.

Speaking of SWMNBN, she has decided on my behalf the other 2 races and sighed....both are FM! Which means I gonna have to pull up my socks and get cracking.

Oh well all for a little bit of peace and happiness. Worth it or not?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

200 Sit Up 100 Push Up Challenge

Been doing weight training faithfully 3 - 5 times a week for the past 3 years. Recently have gotten into a rut or what the pro called plateau. The little bit of slacking here and there doesn't help but I know what I need to do to get out of it though. Increase the weight which I'm loathe to do since gaining bulk is not my objective and am also too stingy to buy more weights. Alternately, increase the intensity (reps) during each sets but then I am too lazy and don't want to commit to longer session.

So what's a lazy bum like me going to do to get out of this? How about this? 200 sit up and 100 push up challenge! I am already doing 300 sit up and 100 push up a day anyway so what's the big deal? Ha ha pride goes before a fall! So after a 1 week long break went and did the initial test. How did I fare? Push up first - hit 30 without problems and start to struggle a bit. Form still good but really struggled from 35 onward. Collapsed at 40. The sit up should be easier or so I thought. But this is standard crunch - no cheating and so after hitting 38 the burn became too much and died at 40. Damn jialat! What a disgrace!

Of course console myself that usually I do all my training in sets ie for sit up I break them into oblique, lower abs and upp abs and do 4 sets of 25 reps each and for push up I do 5 x 20 in various variations whereas for the challenge it is consecutive ie without break in between.

Anyway, based on the website - I am in rank 4 for push up and 'Good' for sit up. Not too bad still for an old fogey. So now I got 6 weeks to hit target. Wish me luck!

Friday, January 15, 2010

More Slacking

1 whole week of slacking. Times flies. 5 days gone and 2 more to go before I gave up the slacking. So sad. Am enjoying all those moments without some ache and pain. But all good things must come to an end but only after these weekend.

Anyway, registered for my first 2 races of the year - one in March and one in April. Have decided to forgo the 2XU Run since 1) it is overpriced 2) there is no online registration and 3) early bird is over.

There is another new run organised by NTUC and this one on Pulau Ubin. Very interesting. Should I or shouldn't I?

And 1 more charity run - this one in March by Metta. Add that to Run for My Lunch (31/1); Color their World (7/2) so 1 month 1 charity run. Can they really raise a lot of funds from these events? A little bird told me this year no more Head Over Heels Couples Run. What a pity as I like this well organised run.

Think I go and compile a list of all the local run and races for the year and put it up somewhere.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


12 days into the year. And a bright new start for me - literally. I got lasiked! Yeah after procrastinating for 4 years, finally did it at Shinagawa.

Unfortunately, I can't totally ditch the specs. I will still need reading glass for my 老花眼 or at least that what the doc said although so far I have no problem reading papers.

And I still want my shades which is one reason why I decided on the procedure so that I can wear shades anytime anywhere without having to interchange with the normal specs.

Now for some spec free running!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Looking forward

Wow it has barely been 10 days (exact is 7 days only) and already the running calendar for 2010 is almost fully booked. Event organiser, charities and sports apparel companies are rushing to put out a slew of races from the usual run to quirky and funky new challenges.

This year so far announced new events - Citispa Mizuno Women Run; North East Run; Nature Run; and 2XU Run. Coming back in new format or new routes are Passion Run, Newton Run and Sundown Marathon. Is it really that profitable to organise a race? Then there is the race that everybody is waiting for - the new marathon under the SSC and will the SAA rise to the challenge and continue with their own? And I haven't even include any fun run and charity runs yet!

Along with all these new races, the fees have gone up. So what am us poor folks going to run in?

Likelihood is I will only do those that are more value for money and the new events. I will probably forego the full marathon again unless the 2 new marathons to be organised by either the SSC and SAA is so enticing that I die die have to sign up.

For starter, the North East Run (presumably this is a reincarnation of last year's Newton Run and Suburban Run). Why? Because it's free for me! Yah. and maybe also the TNF cause that will also be free if I choose to do it but maybe only for the 25km. Along with this, I will probably also do the F1 Sports EQ Nature Run cause I think this year I will do more trail running as it is better for the leg which means I will also likely go for the Salomon Trail Run and NB Real Run.

Another race that I think I will do is the Passion Run unless it clash again with the Cold Storage Kid's Run. This year this one got 25km which I think is a fairly decent and far enough distance for old fogey like me to run. What else? Maybe the Sheares Bridge Run since I miss that last year and the 2XU Run which is at Sentosa. Can use that opportunity to jalan jalan there. Also, if the Yellow Ribbon Run comes back since I like the experience.

Okay I think that is enough races for the year unless something nice crop up overseas....

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Click-4-Klick 1 Jan 2010 3am - 2 Jan 2010 9 am

What a wonderful way to start 2010. Together with many others, we witnessed a jaw breaking sometime heart wrenching scenes as Kelly started on her mission at Bedok Reservoir and completed it 30 hours later at MacRitchie Reservoir.

She battled fatigue, lack of sleep,, blisters all over the foot, a bloated stomach, the heat and then the cold and rain to overcome the odds to clock 150km in 30 hours. Although she did not managed to hit 160km, her self imposed target, nevertheless, it was a super achievement. Myself, I doubt at this current moment, I can last even 3 hours on the road.

The amount pledged to date is also still short of the target of $50,000.00. Hopefully, the pledges and donations will continue to come in during the next few days.

However, I am much heartened at the support of friends who stayed with her throughout the 30 hours, and those who popped in at BR or MR to show their support. After the rain and towards late evening, when it was clear that the original plan to use 1 pacer per loop was no longer workable, calls were made and many responded turning up in the early morning to pace her.

Here are some selected pictures of the 30 hours journey. More pictures on Facebook.

Holding on to pacers for strength
Icy foot soak
A quick massage
Pricking a blister
A cool way to beat the heat
An icy neckwrap
Powder bath
In the wee morning

Finish at last!
