Monday, February 17, 2014

Snowed Out?

One more week to the biggest race of my life and at this juncture in time, it is looking like it is not going to happen. The snow is falling falling falling. Will it be snowed out?

I have never trained so hard for a race before. And the surprising thing is that I never wanted to do it. I balloted for it together with the sidekick because I knew she wanted to go. And unfortunately, she didn't get it and I did. So that kicked off a whole 2 months of training. The worse thing about training? Waking up early and going for long long run that stretch till late morning. I love to sleep and I really hate the waking up at 5 am on weekends. But since I was fortunate enough to get a slot when so many didn't, I think I need to give it my best shot.

I have modest aim. A personal best which I think is very achievable considering the effort I put in and the cooler weather. But of course now that looks in doubt. It is going to be freezing cold and I have no experience at all running in sub 10 degree. So I may choke that is, if the race ever get flag off.

On the brighter side, there was a minor miracle when on Saturday I bummed into a friend while running and somehow in the conversation that followed, I managed to get the sidekick a place at the side line that is, if the race ever get flag off!

Whatever, I done my due diligence. If I don't get to run, so be it. I not going to give up my sushi and ramen - not for any snow!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Stop Running Part 2 - What comes next

Ok finally time to write part 2. But first you gonna read all the disclaimer in Part 1. Done? Then you can carry on.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Boi Boi Ger Ger Run 2014

Finally the day of the Boi Boi Ger Ger Run. As expected, the response wasn't that great. Our target was 10 teams of 4, after registration we got 8 teams but on the morning, a number didn't turn up and we only managed to have 5 teams. Still, the show must go on and I think, it went very well.

Here are some photos of the event courtesy of Marcus Lim of Running Shorts

The participants getting to know each other

The team members checking out the locations on their phone after the images went sent to them via Whatsapp.

A team running to their next location. 

One of the team at one of the locations that they have to find

The winning team!

Trail Running Singapore sponsored 4 TRS tees for the lucky draw

And of course the mandatory group photo

At the end, I think despite the small numbers, most enjoy themselves. Post event, there were some lessons learnt like giving more time to create more buzz and not labelling it as a "SDU" type event. That latter probably scare off a lot of potential participants.

In any case, this event would not have been a success if not for the support of the various running friends, Sotong, who was the MC for the day and who also sponsored the 2nd prize and some of the items for the food; Terence, who assisted with the technical part of the registration and organisation; Brokie and the sidekick for helping with the organisation and getting the food and drinks; Tiwazz and Charlotte for their cash sponsorship; Kelly for the sponsorship of the lucky draw prizes and also helping with the planning and organisation and last but not least, Marcus of Running Shots for coming down to take photos.

Will there be another Boi Boi Ger Ger run? That will depends ....
