Saturday, April 05, 2008

Trail Shoe Comparo

Went to MacRitchie for a run. Teelee, Trencen and Ayin came along. The objective was to tty out my North Face Arnuva 50 Boa with T@z. The plan was for us to ran half the distance and exchange shoes - my TNF Arnuva 50 Boa with his Salomon XA Pro 3D. The idea was hatched in an earlier blog when I just bought the NFA50B.

As expected, like the comments from friends who had worn the TNFA50B, the shoe was very slippery on the wet ground even though the surface was pretty rough. Otherwise, the shoe was fairly responsive on the uneven terrain. T@z pointed out that unlike most trail shoe, it lack a toe protector. I think it is more suitable for road running which is where I intend to run most of the time. No more MR!

We changed shoes at the Ranger Station.

The Salomon XA Pro 3D on the other hand was much lighter than the TNFA50B and very comfortable. Had a bit of difficulty getting use to the laces though. Didn't managed to tie it tight enough and so the shoe felt a bit loose. But overall, I prefer this to the TNFA50B while on the trail.

Coming back to the start point, just before the fitness corner, tripped over a root or rock and went flying. Ended up with bruises all over, 3 stitches above the lip and a big bruised ego. Seem like I really not fated to run at MR:(

