Sunday, April 06, 2008

Head Over Heels Couple Run 2008

First race for the year. Not exactly a race more of a fun run. This one is for couples, married or otherwise. Distance was short only 8km and the couple has to finish together.

Weather was good this morning and as there were only 109 couples, it was not crowded. We started somewhere behind but gradually managed to move into the top quarter. The face was giving a little bit of trouble but it was bearable. We ran at a pace that was fairly manageable to M - around 5.40min/km. It was a good run and we managed to finish together in 41:58 mins which makes it like 5.15min/km. So I guess the distance is a bit short more likely to be just 7km. But still it is a good start to the race calendar for me.

Other sgrunners present were IMD/Yee Hua; Brokie/Vincent; Freddy/spouse; Billy/Tricia and HoHo Runner/spouse. Also got to know Supramaniam from Malaysia and Wendy, the mystery lady also from Malaysia who out of the blue contacted me last year to register her friends for the Real Run. Terence was also there with his wife but they didn't run due to some unforeseen circumstances.

Encouraged by the MC, a lot of couples were finishing in style - from the mundane hands holding to piggy back to kisses... There was also a short game at the end before the prizes were given to the top 3 runners by Prof Kunalan.

For the registration fee of $38/- we had a very good goodie bag:

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