Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year Resolution

It's the first day of 2006. The start of a new year. A time to review the year and plan ahead for what's coming.

2005 didn't start well. Father passed away in the 2nd week of January, than we had the system upgrading project which was supposed to go live by June but instead stretched until November causing me to lose much time for training for the SCM. Then there was the period during August and September that I was sick on and off and caused me to miss the Army half marathon. Hopefully 2006 will be a much better year.

Looking ahead - since it's 1st January and as all respectable people do - a time to make new year resolution, so here goes:

1. To have a body like Jean P VanDame
2. To make a million dollar (to pay for the transplant to get the body parts)
3. To have a mansion with a 30m swimming pool, tennis court, basketball court, indoor gym, 12 bedrooms, 16 toilets
4. To make a billion dollars (to pay for the abovesaid mansion)
5. To break the world record in the 100m, 10km and full marathon
6. To make a zillion dollars (to bribe all the officials to change the records and be rich and powerful enough to cover up the bribery without repercussion)

Seriously, just some personal running targets:

Distance Target Time Target Date

1. 2.4 km < 9m:30s 31/3
2. 5 km < 22m:00s 30/4
3. 10 km < 50m:00s 30/6
4. 21 km < 1h:47:00s 30/9
5. 42 km < 4h:45:00s 31/12
6. 5 Km (MR) < 25m 30/6

7. To get the Mrs to take part in the half by December
8. To get Alvin and Alicia to take up running and run 10k by December


  1. Hey Tekko, all the best & may your resolutions come true :) hehehe

  2. Happy new year. All the best in your personal goals. :)

