Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Wah and I thought I damm fit. Yesterday afternoon physio session was pure torture - macham like recruit days only difference I paid good money to be tortured. The physio made me go through various exercises to strengthen my legs and correct my running posture and balancing. Those with the machines was easy enough. Then came the nightmare:

1) Calf Raise - These I have done thousand of times in the gym - so no problem right? Wrong - the trick was to do 10 super fast immediately followed by 10 super slow for 4 repeats on a slant platform without holding onto the wall for support. At the end of the 3rd set especially after the super slow, my leg was quivering. Worse was to come:

2) Ball Squat - Easy I thot - no way - do the squat and hold for 1 minute (the bugger actually gave me a timer - no guestimation). After 2 squats, the whole bladdy leg was quivering non-stop. Suffered through the 10 repeats

After that the physio laughed and said tomorrow my legs sure pain like hell. He damn right - worse than after the marathon!

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