Monday, November 06, 2006

Another Long Run

Unfortunately again not for me. This time the ladies gathered at East Coast Park again for their 2nd last long run before they do their first half marathon. Ruth couldn't make it as she was feeling unwell. Karen turned up though even though she didn't need the extra running since she was just doing the 10km.

The ladies, Michelle, Bambi, Karen and Molly took off at 7:20 am. This time the target is for Michelle to do at least 18km and Bambi and Molly to try to do 20km. Karen of course was free to do what she wants.

Unlike the previous week run, the ladies did well today. They ran the first 5 km at a 6.20 pace which I thought was too fast for them considering that there was another 15km to go. They did the next 5 km in about the same timing with Michelle about 8 minutes behind the 3. The plucky ladies didn't stop at 20km but instead continued for another 1km to make it their first 21km run in an average time of approximately 2h:35m (7.30 pace). Michelle also managed to complete her longest run ever all 18km of it in 2h:20m still well under 8 min pace.

Look like they will all be on target to finish in a comfortable time on race day.

Next week will try to bring them to do the actual race route.


  1. wow...the VRP gals have grown from strength to strength... good effort and time spent on them, coach!

    Keep up the good work :)

    All the best to your team!

  2. Yah the girls worked really hard. You can see determination in them.

    Me - not the coach lah. I am the driver and waterboy only.

