Sunday, September 30, 2007

Demoralising Run II

Joined the sgrunners for a morning run at Changi this morning. Have been meaning to run there for some time but have not found a suitable opportunity. This is a tough route to run although flat. But it is long and hot and would make a good training run. This time managed to convince M to come along.

There was already a big group when we arrived and RSM Brokie demanded that everybody goes for a warm up jog so all of us guai guai followed her to Changi Creek before turning back up to Changi Coast Road.

The last time I ran there was like 1 and a half year ago in Feb 06. After coming out of the Ferry Terminal, instead of having to run on the road, there was now a nice big running path. This as I understand is part of the park connector which will leads all the way to East Coast and eventually Marina South. The other end to Changi Hills is already completed.

The first group comprising of the faster runners led by Realrunner had already disappeared from sight by then. The back pack comprised of WeiHao, Alvo, Cobalt, Highbury, Brokie, Raven, Sealboon, AC and myself. Dream was also with us. Not too sure why he hung around. Thought he could have took off with the front runners. M and Meteor was running a shorter distance and thus hung even further behind.

The weather was fairly good at the beginning. The trees along the side provided a fair bit of shade but running along the route was helluva boring and seem to go on and on forever. (I guess it's not called demoralizing for nothing). It seems like running on an extra long treadmill. No matter how long I had run, it was always the same. Trees on the left - road and airfield on the right!

Eventually, when I saw a split in the path, I decided to break from the rest and turn left into it just to break the monotony. This was actually part of the park connector and hugs the coast line and comes out to Safra Sailing Club. But it was slightly longer and when I reached SAFRA resort, all the runners had disappeared way in front except for Highbury. Ran with him till the first toilet at the National Sailing Club before turning back with Brokie and Cookie who had reached there much earlier. I took my expired PowerBar than. It looks horrible and tasted worst. Took half of it and was tempted to throw the rest away but decided against it.

Way back was the same. One long boring route. Initially maybe with the psychological effect of the powerbar, was able to pick up the pace a bit but when I stopped to finish the rest of the powerbar, the battery simply went flat. That plus the hot humid weather caused me to withered and I slowed to a trot. Gentle was biking up and down and encouraging everybody. AC caught up at the toilet at the Ferry Terminal and even though there was only less than 2.5m km to go, I simply couldn't push myself and contented myself to just sort of shuffle to the finish.

The finish line was great though - there was the famous Brokie's barley which I had heard of many times in the forum but never tried and Doramon's jello. Yummy and good reward for finishing the run.

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