Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Count Down to D-Day

6 more days to go before my third and perhaps last (??) attempt at the full marathon. Why last? Cos I promised myself if I can do a ‘perfect’ marathon, I will retire on a high and henceforth, no waking up at 5 am to do silly shagged tiring hot want to die long runs

What is a “perfect” marathon? To me, it is not the time finish but more how I will feel after finishing (if I finish that is).

Flashback 2 Dec 2004 – my first marathon. Then with only 9 months of running behind me, I went for it without any expectation and also not realizing what was in store for me. I mentally targeted to finish 4:30 and was on target up to the 30km distance and than wham, the cramps set in and I had to walk the rest of the way back. Eventually, finished in 5:16 and even had the humiliation of having to get Sebas to come down and drive me home – so bad was the cramp and ache that I couldn’t even walk after crossing the finishing line!

4 Dec 2005 – 1 year later with 1 more year of running experience and tips, advices from friends, came back ready to give it another shot. This time, with hindsight and experience, decided to set a modest 5hours target. Sigh, this time round the cramps came in even earlier at 27km and with that hobbled back in 5:37.

So what’s going to happen this time round? Based on the various pace calculators and using my recent race times, I am supposed to be able to finish between 3:52 to 4:20. Ha I know myself – these sort of timing is not possible so I am contend if I can hopefully finish within 5 hours and thereafter able to go off on my holiday without any aches or pain.

Question is – can 1? 1st time round – target 4:30 finish 5:15 (45mins behind); 2nd time 4:45 finish 5:37 (57mins behind); this time target 5 hours will I finish 6:00 aargg! I having nightmares just thinking about it!


  1. You should be in a better shape given that you have 3 years of more running under your belt. Start taking electrolytes early in the race to prevent cramping. Also, electrolyte or salt tablets (succeed caps) are good. Good luck.

  2. Hey Tekko, don't fret so much :) You have a good fitness base and you certainly are a very determined and knowledgeable runner. All that is left is to relax and enjoy, and allow yourself to perform optimally :D

  3. Thank you guys for the vote of confidence. I shall certainly try to do my best. After all, this suppose to be my last full marathon (if all turn out as planned ha ha) and must end on a high.

