Me supposed to go take picture. Had this smart alec idea of doing it in Marina South so me and Aram took the MRT down. The idea was to park ourselves somewhere in the middle and we can take the ladies going into and out of Marina South. Came out, saw the road barrier and happily positioned ourselves facing the Shenton Way skylight. This will be a beautiful backdrop. We were still talking away when this lady ran passed us. Er what was she doing running the reverse direction? And than it hit me! Alamak, we were facing the wrong way and than later another thought.How come the first runner is a Chinese lady and not Suzy or Vivan? An awful feeling crept over me. Turned round and ask the marshall and yes we were not only facing the wrong direction but at the wrong place. This was the 5km return route and the 10km ladies don't passed along this way!
By the time we scrambled to Prince Edward Rd, the ladies had already gone into Marina South and we had only 1 opportunity to take photo but this time we were facing the sun and so most of the photos eventually came out washed out! Sighed what a screw up!
Anyway, think this race will be remembered by the ladies for its snaking queues all over the Padang. There were long queue for bag deposit, collect goodie bag, collect fruit, collect Subaru t-shirt and finally for the massage. How can there be such long queues all over for just 8000+ runners when the SCSM has 40,000 runners and no such long queue?
Thank God this is one race I'm sure we guys are glad to pass up!
Photos here
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