Saturday, August 29, 2009

Eastside Run

The state of my fitness is terrible. This morning struggled to finish a 12km run during this month Eastside Run. AC Leong was kind and patient enough to be our guide and pacer as me and M and Dewi struggled to keep up with his 'jogging' pace.

My uncalibrated Sportsband showed a whopping 14:45km and a pace of 6.15min per km but actually based on the mapmyrun,

the distance is probably closer to 12km which means even after minusing the walking along the more muddy part of the trail, the traffic light and toilet break, we were still running at about 7.45min pace. Very slow hor?

Think I better find some time to calibrate the darned thing.

1 comment:

  1. Take care of that leg until your next appointment leh. When u come for the video gait filming, if Im not at my counter-table, get my men to find me, I will do the filming for you if Im in clinic that day.

