Thursday, April 29, 2010

Death Throes

A friend took a photo of me at the F1 EQ Nature Run. My God! I looked like somebody on his death bed! On top of the usual shacked like hell face, now that I am no longer wearing glasses, the larger than life eye bags + the white hairs made me looked like a 80+ year old man in the final death throes except that in this case I was standing up and not lying down horizontally.

Me think I better go put on my shades, if anything at least to just cover the eye bags and learn how to act cool during the finish (which is where most of the photos are taken).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

F1 Sports EQ Nature Run 2010

My 2nd race of the year and also my first race at MacRitchie Reservoir.

Being an uncle, can only take part in the 10km race. Same also with M. She like all the other ladies were only permitted to do the 10km. Wondered why the discrimination?

But anyway, 10km suits me just fine. It was tough enough doing a normal run at MR but a race but darn it, I wanted the hydration bag which was being offered with the race so no choice. When we reached there and saw the roads all wet, I was like 'siow liao'. Going to be wet and slippery. Think got to walk all the way.

The 10kmers were flagged off at 7.30 am. The organiser had thoughtfully staggered the start of the 10km, 15km and moved the 5km Junior to a different start location so that there were less congestion. Still, it was not easy trying to run during the early part of the race with so many people on the narrow trails. Fortunately, the grounds weren't so wet and with good weather, it wasn't that bad after all. There were 3 water points - just before the ranger station where I took a cup of 'Pokka Sportswater' that was mixed with water, another at the fitness corner where I took a bottle of plain water and finally one along Lornie Road which I skipped. Unfortunately, I think they ran out of water cos I heard the 15kmers didn't get any plain water. There was a bit of confusion just before the fitness corner. Saw some runners turned left onto the boardwalk and a kind lady runner chased after them to direct them back but at the fitness corner where the 2nd water point was located, some of the 10kmers got confused by the signs and turned left onto the trail instead of proceeding straight up to Lornie Road. So many officials there and yet they allowed these to happen! Then at the junction of the road, there was only 1 sign showing 5km which left some of the 10kmers confused. Did they ran the wrong way? I had studied the map before hand so was quite confident it was the right way. Finally, at the turn off to the finish, there was no marshal and some runners were wondering whether to run straight or turned down the road.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Reebok's New Advertisement

Reebok's new ad. Unfortunately, something we will never see on our tv screen.

Hold on to your horse. Before you click on 'play'; please note this video may not be suitable for the young, immature and prude. So if you think you are going to be offended by nudity, please do not click 'play'.

You have been warned!

Antonio mckee highlights
Uploaded by Biodome10. - More professional, college and classic sports videos.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Healthy Food

Was going through my desk and came across this chart which kinda try to relates certain type of food to certain illness. The chart is very ambitiously entitled 'Never Sick Again' but I seriously doubt that.

Then there is this website that list all the food that is beneficial for each different parts of the body. Seems sound and all the food listed are healthy wholesome food.

Give it a try. Nothing to lose.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Prequel F1 Nature Run

 This has got to be one big humorous race organiser. Tok Kong Runner? How in the world do they expect this wimpy old uncle to wear something like that? Damn paiseh. People see, ask how tok kong a runner I am, what am I to say? Sekali, they take marker pen and cancel out the 'tok' and write another 'kong' how? Become kong kong runner?

Then in this modern age and time, they going to use elastic band at the check point. Hello, haven't they heard of timing chip, d-tag? And no results for the rest of the runners. Only the top 10! And they call it a competitive run?

And then they giving out hydration bag. Last I checked, a hydration bag in the market cost easily at least $50. And they charging $38, giving out in the process a hydration bag (without bladder - that one got to add $12); the aforesaid t-shirt and a pack of Go gel with a retail price of $3.90. I wonder how they do their math? Maybe that's why they can't afford the electronic timing.

Anyway, not complaining. In it just for the fun (and the hydration bag) so I shall laugh along with the organiser!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


For the past few years, I have more or less faithfully adhered to a exercise routine:

Monday: Gym - cycle and weights (actually not body building but more strength training)
Tuesday: Run + weights
Wednesday: Swim + weights
Thursday: Run
Friday: Weights
Saturday: Long Run
Sunday: Run

So all this mucking around should cause me to loose a lot of weight right? But ever since I lost 12kg after the initial years, the weight had stayed put at 74kg before I decided to up it to a more respectable 80kg (which I am still trying to achieve).

So is it because somehow I have hit on the magic formula and achieve a equilibrium whereby the calorie intake is equal to calorie lost? Cont'd here.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Timberland Shoes

Saw this beauty of a shoes at the Timberland outlet. This would make a good addition to my collection.
Sadly, according to the website, it is for water activities and "beach running". Maybe will have to settle for this:

But the white base pales in comparison to the full orange of the Rip.

This one looks much better - now if only it comes in full orange.
Anybody knows anything about these shoes?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Claim to Glory?

In last week (Saturday?) ST, there was an article about people taking part in races and endurance events just to get hold of the finisher tee. The main thrust of the article was that these people are not properly trained or prepared for the event and they risk injuring or worse killing themselves in the process. It quoted one guy who did not even train and plunged straight into the 70.3.

From time to time, especially toward the SCSM period, at the RL run, I  come into contact with newcomers who joined the run as sort of a last minute revision for the marathon. Being a big kapo, I usually ask these people their objectives for running, their weekly mileage, blah blah blah and I am horrified that some of these people have practically no base, no background and yet here they were, doing just 1 run as their preparation. Like studying for an exam - they do last minute mugging and cross their fingers that they will get it right.

I don't know how these people fares eventually but I think I am certain, they will probably have to walk 3 quarter if not more for the marathon and suffer in agony for the next 1 week and cause unmeaurable damage to their body. Is the finisher tee really worth it?

Don't get me wrong here. I am not putting down the plodders - just those who do not bother to train and prepare for the event but walk through it just to get the shirt and have bragging rights. Do they deserve to call themself a marathoner finisher or an ironman?

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

East Coast Park

5 pet peeves about the East Cast Park:

1. All the litters and rubbish on the grounds especially on a Sunday morning
2. Children playing on the pavement and cycling track
3. Cyclists/runners who screamed at people to get out of their way even though they are the one going in the wrong direction
4. Cyclist who think the cycling track is a velodrome or FI track
5. Aunties/uncles who walk and chat abreast along the pavement

5 wonderful things about the East Coast Park:

1. Long wide flat ground for LSD
2. Drinks, shower and toilets available at regular intervals
3. Adequate car parking spaces
4. Smell of barbecue especially on Saturday evening
5. Interesting views (and I am not talking about the scenery here)

How about you folks out there?

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Zoots Ultra Tempo+ 2

I am not a triathlete so what do one do when one get a pair of triath shoe? Got this pair of Zoots Ultra Tempo+ 2 courtesy of the folks at Running Lab.

The Ultra Tempo boast seamless lining within the shoe for wearing without socks. To aid in the transition from swimming, it has grab holes on heels and tongues and an unique lace system to help the triathlete put on the shoes faster. There are drain holes in the sole to drain water. It is lightweight with the usual EVA midsole and has a patent dri-lex mesh linings with SmartSilver antimicrobial treatment (whatever that means).

Anyway, although I don't do triath, nevertheless a shoe is a shoe and strictly speaking the Ultra Tempo according to the specs is a shoe meant for short distance running. Actually quite common sense since one don't wear shoes for swimming and shoes are not an absolute necessity for cycling. So I decided to baptise the shoes with its first run at what else but the Funan TNR. Just so that I can feel how responsive it is, I decided to go sockless since after all it is supposed to go without socks. The shoes I was given was a size 12 but when I put it on, the width seemed a tad big and after pulling the lace tight, it sorta squeezed up in front. Hmmm that could spell trouble.

The initial feeling was that it wasn't too bad. With its light weight, it was responsive and flexible enough for me to run mid foot despite it being a stability shoes with a higher than desired heel. This could be a suitable replacement for the Saucony Fastwitch. However, mid way into the 1st loop of Fort Canning where we were running, the back heel started to feel painful. A blister was forming where the heel tab was rubbing onto the back heel. Geez that means I will need to wear higher cut socks if I want to continue wearing this pair of shoes. And just as I expected, the wider width soon caused another blister to develop on the little toe. Sighed.. 2 blisters for 1 short run and in a pair of sport shoes?

So should I chuck the shoes? I like its lightweight, its lace system (save me money on a new set of lock lace), its design (would like it even better if it comes in orange ha ha) but can I overcome the blisters problem or is it just like any pair of work shoe and need some breaking in?

Date of Purchase: 18 March 2010

Cost: $249.00 (FOC courtesy of RL)

Purchased from: Running Lab Funan

Worn in races:

27 Feb 2011 NTUC Healthcare U-Run

Retired: 4 December 2011
Mileage 578 km

Friday, April 02, 2010

The Longest 12km ever

While saintly people go to church and the more saner people slept in on a nice public holiday, 6 of us slightly cuckooed people decided to brave the rain and made our way to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve for our virgin run there. Fortunately, the rain did not came and so begin the longest ever 12km of my life.

Our run leader and 'nature guide' started the run by giving us a topo lesson aka a briefing on the run route. Our mission was to run from Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre(BTNRVC) to the Rifle Range Road and back to BTNRVC to complete the 2nd part of the TNF 25km route. That was part 1 and part 2 was to go up Bukit Timah Hill and from there make our way to Dairy Farm and the Quarry before making our way back to BTNRVC covering a total of roughly 14 to 15km.

And so off we went. The first part of the route took us through the South View path and Catchment Path. We wanted to run but there were too damn many staircases going up and down and that kinda forced us to walk most of the way, which was just as well cause.....

We came out to the pipeline alongside Rifle Range Rd after almost 30 minutes.
This was the site of our support table for last year TNF. Finally, a chance for us to do a proper run! The rolling open plains was a sight to behold and I finally got to run on this part of the route.

We turned into the Durian Loop but too bad didn't even smell not less see any durian. A final run along the road and we were back at the BTNRVC. "Piece of cake"! 5km in 1 hour! I think the slowest time I ever recorded for a 5km run without any newbies involved.

After a short break, we started Part 2.

As everybody has been to BTNR know, there is a very steep slope up to the summit. Recharged and energised, we erm kinda charged up the slope. I lasted all of 10 metres before the charge became a run, then a trot then a walk. Actually if there weren't so many other people around, I think I will have crawled up the rest of the way. But cannot lose face leh... And then we came across this sign:
Now why didn't they put it at the bottom! Anyway, we took 13 minutes to cover the 1km up. This was bad. But worse was to come.

Remember the staircases in part 1? There were more, lots more here.

While we huffed and puffed our way up and down the never ending staircases or rather steps;

some of whom were like 2 feets high; 

old ladies and uncles were walking up and down like spring chicken. One auntie even said she was on her second round. Now I wondered whether she was being friendly or sarcastic!

Our legs were almost like jelly when we finally came to a proper tar road. What a relief. A short run and after all that steps, the legs felt so light we managed to charged the 100 metres to the Wallace Education Centre
where we had a long long break. By then most of us were shot to pieces and hungry like hell.

Our guide and run leader in his almighty wisdom decided to cut out the run to the quarry (thank God) and allowed us to run back to BTNRVC via Upp Bukit Timah Rd.

Part 2 - 7 km - time taken: exactly 1 hour 30 minutes. Total distance ran: 12 km Total time taken: 2 hours 30 minutes. Mission accomplish. A record for me and a very torturous one at that! Seriously, I think this is not just the longest 12km I ever walk/ran but also the toughest. Now I can understand why some of my friends can take up to 4 hours to run 20km when they were training for the TNF and my respect for them and all the finishers of the TNF has gone up several notches after this morning run. And now I am seriously reconsidering my decision to sign up for this year's edition.
