Saturday, September 04, 2010

TNF Progressive Run @ Lorong Asrama

Decide to throw $16 and join in this last (?) TNF Progressive Run. Actually quite silly to spend this type of money to run but the location was a restricted area and this was like the only chance to run there since I am not doing the 100km Duo or Solo. And so this here is a sneak preview for those who are wondering what is being the gates.
This is where it all begin. A SAF training shed behind the gate of Lorong Asrama

The start of the run. A wide open concrete/asphalt road. Far away in the background, there is a troupe of soldiers.

And off we go!

Going up a gentle slopes. Actually, there are gentle slopes, steep slopes, rocky slopes and all types of slopes including a 'unrunnable' slope!

Lallangs that are taller than the runners

Remember this training shed well for.......

Behind it is the dread Marsiling Hill 265. Remember the 'unrunnable' slope? This is it!

Runners walking up the hill
A look back down at where we came up

A wet portion of the route. Runoff from a nearby stream. This will be a 'river' if it pours!

Abandon prawn pond aplenty

Another long and rocky slope

And last but not least, Uncle Tekko in person!

Ha ha ha. Leaves that are larger than me!

For more photos, check out my facebook or here


  1. This run looks interesting, when will be the next run?

  2. Er Anonymous,
    This is a special run. Unless you have signed up for the North Face 100, I don't think you can run there.

