Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Break

It was good while it last. I knew my luck wouldn't hold out for so long. It's been rare for me not to sustain one major injury a year but the last major injury was the stress fracture in September 09. There were some minor scares here and there in 2010 but nothing that developed into anything major or force me to lay off running for a longer time.

But this time, it looks like going to be a long break. Was running at Meridien JC. Had ran the 2km from home to the JC without any problem. There, I had barely ran 100 metres of the track when I heard a loud snapping sound from the left foot and then the pain shot in. Walking, not to even mention running was almost impossible as I couldn't even put the foot down.

Quick check of the web reveal 2 possible causes: tendonitis (hopefully is this) or worse case scenario: metatarsal stress fracture. However, an x-ray at CGH expectantly revealed nothing.Will need to go for a follow up at the Sports Medicine Centre a few days but meantime, there goes the final TNF Trail Run, the Marina 21K but hopefully should recover in time for the No Frills Run in August.

Meanwhile, it's makan time!

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