Sunday, August 14, 2011

Running Guild No Frills Series 2011

This race was not on my agenda originally but after thought decided to sign up for the team event and put the whole family in the team. Just for a bit of fun. As it turns out, in the end I had to do a dns and contend myself with watching and snapping from the sideline as the Tekkokia kicks off a family run.

This race is I believe one of a series of race organised by the Running Guild, a company set up by Ultramarathoner Ben Swee and friends. True to its name, the race is a no frill back to basic event. No medal, no event or finisher tee, no timing chip, no flashy race expo or extravagant race site and most important of all, expensive race fee. But it more than made up for all this by being well organised, adequate hydration and fruits for everybody including the non-runners. Of course there are some room for improvement- like the route could have been better designed without so many u-turns (although they did removed one u-turn in the end) but judging from the expression on everybody face, almost everybody came away happy with the overall experience.

The Tekkokia took part in the team event. The Princess was roped in as a last minute replacement for me. With only 2 weeks to train for the 10km, her longest distance previously being only 5km, she did admirably well finishing in exactly 1 hour. The kid fared much better as compared to his baptism at the Marina 21km clocking in a 51 minutes. That left the experienced veteran M who finished behind the 2 young fellas. Look like the Tekko family has sprouted well!

More pictures of the events can be found here.

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