Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Changi Simei Road Run 2011

Got a last minute call up to help in the Changi Simei Road Run at Bedok Reservoir. Roped in the sidekick and the Princess and off we went. Weather was great after the earlier rain.

This has got to be the cheapest race in the history of Singapore. $3.00 and participants get to run, timing, goodie bag, baggage and isotonic and plain water and bananas. Where else can one get so much for so little? Despite that, and more likely due to the low key publicity, there were only about 300 signup but maybe because of the rain, only about half turned up, which was a pity.

The race was flagged off by Miss Jessica Tan, MP for Changi Simei. It was a short and sharp affair being just 1 round of the reservoir and the runners soon came back with the winners earning a small cash prize.

The Winner

The Women Champion

All in all, a well organised and fun race without any complaints whatsoever.

More photos of the event on my Facebook Album and here


  1. Tekko: Can jio me if have such event next time? I like short & cheap runs too.. :)

  2. Yo J.J. sure as long as I know about it too:)

