Tuesday, February 28, 2012

U Run Vertical Climb 2012

I did this event last year. It was fun but tiring. This year the old legs got no more strength to climb stairs so have to sit out the race. Instead, I went to kaypoh a little bit.

This year race format was similar to previous year. There was just a run segment and there was the Run 10km/Climb 30 flights of stairs segment. Both event starts at the Float at Marina. The end point was interesting. For the run only category, the race finish at the same place. For the climb, the race officially ends at One Marina Boulevard some 1km away. I didn't know that and parked myself outside the OMB only to find an empty place at least until the runners started streaming in.

The official start and finishing point

This year, the organiser thoughtfully provided 2 stairwells for the climb probably in response to last year complains of the stuffy and crowded stair case.
A happy participant outside the entrance on the left
A lady participant entering the entrance on the right
 Because of the different start and end points, shuttle bus services had to be provided for the participants to go back to the starting pen to collect the goodie bag and their baggage.
Participant happily waiting for the bus.
Talking about baggage, the baggage deposit was under the spectator stand at the Floating Platform. But while I could see that it was rather orderly, it wasn't very efficient.
Part of the queue under the stands
 The queue snaked through the entire stand and went out into the sun. I understand some participants had to queue for more than an hour to collect their baggage.
The queue extended outside into the hot sun. 
 And there was another queue, for the collection of the goodie bag. But this one seems to move faster.

Overall from feedback from friends, this was a well organised race other than the hiccup over the sizing of the event tee and of course the baggage collection.

More photos of the event here.


  1. Nice review. I was at the run. My first run in my whole life :). It was great for me. I agree with the sizing of the tee. That sucks. And the long queue for the baggage collection. It took me longer to collect my baggage than the run itself :(.

  2. BTW, it's odd you name your blog runningsucks. Initially I thot this is all about hating running.. haha.. anyway, great blog for people who love to run...

  3. Hi there, most people start off hating running but persist long enough and it will grow on you but the running still sucks though:)

