Monday, January 13, 2014

Boi Boi Ger Ger Run 2014 Prequel

Following my post on Stop Running Part 1, a few of us were talking and we decided to put our money where our mouth is and put words into actions so we now have the Boi Boi Ger Ger Run 2 to be held on 25 January at the Botanic Garden. The first Boi Boi Ger Ger Run was in 2006 at the MacRitchie Reservoir.

Let me assured everybody  that this is conceived primarily as a fun event and not so much as a match making effort. The main emphasis is on fun and getting to know other runners better. All too often, during group runs, we run with our own cliques and talk among ourselves and there is little opportunity to interact which is why we have decided to abandon the format of the 1st Boi Boi Ger Ger Run where the 2 groups of runners starts from different direction and meet up in the centre and continue running.                                                                   
This time round, we have decided on a free form "Amazing Race" format where 2 participants of opposite sex are paired up and has to go to 5 checkpoints as well as answer correctly 5 questions about their team mate. Sound simple enough? But unfortunately, the feedback has been that this is a bit intimating and so I guess we will have to tweak the format a bit to get a better response.

Anyway,  for those who are interested to know more details about this fun event, head on over to the Event page on Facebook [click here] for more details and if you are interested to participate, whether alone or with a friend, click on the google doc here to sign up.

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