Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hari Raya Day

10:30 am - The family went for badminton. The weather look good - cool and breezy. Decided to do interval at Tampines Stadium. Did 12 x 400 at average speed of 1.32 per round. Wrapped up at 12 noon. A bit something wrong already - the Mrs said :)

2.00 pm - Went to the fish farm at Pasir Ris to stock up on fishes for the now nearly bare fishtank. Alicia wanted tetras - so changed the theme to Amazon and bought a whole batch of different type of tetras plus some more chiclids for the chiclid tank.

5.00 pm. - Went to Suntec to collect my i-mode phone from Starhub. Got 1.3 megapixel and can surf internet and push mail. Some more free until Feb!

7.30 pm - Ate dinner at Ah Shui Zhu Zhar Tiang at Changi Rd. Expensive and don't seem so good. No wonder no more crowd.

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