Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Deepavali Run

It's Deepavali and I spending my time doing a #$%^^ run when I should be snuggled in bed. It rained the night before and so was cooling for a while before the ##$$% sun came out and it become scorching hot. Damn shiong to run from East Coast to Marina South and back.

Sebas came with me again. This time he woke at 5.00 am to clear his stomach otherwise he sure go ps again. Running with him no choice the pace was slightly faster and went the 35km in 3.37mins. My target was maybe 3.45 so not too bad still can take the pace. Sebas continued for another 2 km while I gave up back at the start point at ECP. No more energy to go on. Sigh! Like that how to continue for the next 7 k?

Read in today's paper about a lady who complained a pub owner refused to give her a piece of ice-cube during her run at EC. Typical Singaporean! They scare give one free ice cube - next time there will be a queue outside the shop! That's why I don't bother to ask - even from the army guys when they do their unit run and have drinks station along the way. Kena rebuff then malu.

Always be prepared - bring or buy own drinks

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