Tuesday, January 31, 2006

MR TT Practice 2

Managed to squeeze in some time this morning to go MacRitchie. This time chio BC along to try and follow his pace. The Mrs also came along.

BC said he haven't run for 2 weeks. Thot I could keep up with him for at least the first half - no way - within 20 seconds, he was at least 100 metres ahead. Try as I could, couldn't keep up. Maybe the effect of the food the past 2 days. Reached the half way u-turn point in 12.15m. BC was waiting for me there. Then he took off again. He finished 24:10. Me finished 25:16 slightly off the qualifying time. Don't think I'm ready for this weekend TT. Will try a few more practice run - maybe with Sebas and BC b4 trying for the April.

The Mrs did a credible 32:42 on the woman route. Not bad for a first attempt.

1 comment:

  1. well done tekko, u r almost there.
    The extra adrenalin rush on race day may just push u through the qualifying mark... may be worth a shot :)

